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option -- get the number of card -- card # option -- put "Question #"&it-2 into field "Q#" -- card # option put rightone into item group of questkey put item group of questans into foo if foo is not empty then set hilight of background button foo to true end openCard on closeCard set lockScreen to true set hilight of background button A to false set hilight of background button B to false set hilight of background button C to false set hilight of background button D to false set lockScreen to false hide background button "Correct!" end closeCard on idle global time1 -- comment out next line (exit idle) if you want a time limit on test. -- don't forget to set time limit as described in Exam button of -- first card. exit idle put the seconds into time2 if time2 30 then go card report get item group of questlist go card it end randomNext on randomPrev global group,questlist subtract one from group if group < 1 then go first card get item group of questlist go card it end randomPrev on reView global rightone, immediate if not immediate then wait 3 seconds put "Correct answer is " & rightone into foo answer foo with "Oh!" else if hilite of background button rightone is false then put "Correct answer is " & rightone into foo answer foo with "Oh!" else -- show background button "Correct!" end if end if end reView `BMAPVV Sú Žáâ ‰2ªªªÂªªªªªªªªªªªªªªª â †‹áâ áâ ¯†!@㠀㠪Œã€‰ã,…ã,À¿…¿…¿…¿…¿…¿…¿…¸…Œã Šã…¥‰ã ( ãUã¨âUâ 7 ª€â5UT7U@â6ªª€6ª¨âEUU@6U@â6ªª 6ª âEUU@6UP†âEUUP6UPâ6ªª¨6 ª âEUUT&Uâ6ªª¨áâEUUTá†âEUUPáâ6 ª€áâáâ áâá†t hilight of button C to t@BKGD)t0Kc “&B„Tâ start&DˆVæ stop(qƒƒ  correct$t†$ Q#(t§†Ù Percent(¾õ QMissed&¶6V User BMAP0KVVVÔ¿„¿„¤„‹D ªªªÁªªªªªªª ãDUUUÁUUUUUUUPãâDªªªªÁªªªªªªª¨á€#4s@ áá‹d€ ãD ÁÿÁâG¤xpÀá$ý€r0`á5™™ÁÎÌÀÀá03`á&f–Á"@A¤´°ÀáDÌððÁà<8`áÁp0ÀáD™™˜Á332f``áG°  á7ihÁÐ$ZX`á7Ð38Àá`S.`áÁ‘K¸°Àá'26áD™˜Á1ŒÌÄÌÀápS:`áD™ÁàÇÌ x|Àá&pS\X`áâD1™™ˆÁ33&fbf`áâD1™˜ðÁ33f<>`áD ªªªÁªªªªªªª ãDUUUÁUUUUUUUP㽄UÁUUUUUUUTã*Áªªªªªªª¨ã'@ã7@<kªªªªª¨âŽGÈz€#€@ ‹ÁÀ\úÿ½à ‹*Áªªªªªªª¨á Á Œ 51 then exit repeat put item i of questlist into thisquest go to card thisquest -- ¥¥¥ You can put the card # or the subelement # or question # -- as question #in key put "#" & i into x -- question # option -- put the short name of this card into x -- card # option -- put first word of field "Q1" into x -- subelement # option if i < 18 then put ky1&x&return into ky1 put ky2&rightone&return into ky2 else if i < 35 then put ky3&x&return into ky3 put ky4&rightone&return into ky4 else put ky5&x&return into ky5 put ky6&rightone&return into ky6 end if end repeat go to card K put ky1 into field key1 put ky2 into field key2 put ky3 into field key3 put ky4 into field key4 put ky5 into field key5 put ky6 into field key6 -- prevent buildList from being called again immediately put true into lockkey go to first card set lockscreen to false end buildList on buildList1 -- ¥¥¥ rename to buildList for sequential questions or to -- buildList1 for randomly-generated questions global questlist,rightone,lockkey,questans,questkey -- initialization set the cursor to 4 -- ¥¥¥ be sure that the group number of each question card matches the -- question number. For example, question #1 is group 1, question -- #2 is group 2, and so on. put empty into questlist put empty into questans put empty into questkey put empty into ky1 put empty into ky2 put empty into ky3 put empty into ky4 set lockscreen to true repeat with i = 1 to number of cards of bkgnd Test put "#" & i & "," after questlist put "," after questans put "," after questkey end repeat delete last character of questlist delete last character of questans delete last character of questkey -- ¥¥¥ generate the answer key for these questions. This currently -- only works for first 32 questions repeat with i = 1 to number of items of questlist if i > 32 then exit repeat put item i of questlist into thisquest go to card thisquest -- You can put the card # or the subelement # as question #in key put the short name of this card into x -- put first word of field "Q1" into x if i < 17 then put ky1&x&return into ky1 put ky2&rightone&return into ky2 else put ky3&x&return into ky3 put ky4&rightone&return into ky4 end if end repeat go to card K put ky1 into field key1 put ky2 into field key2 put ky3 into field key3 put ky4 into field key4 -- prevent buildList from being called again immediately put true into lockkey go to first card set lockscreen to false end buildList1 `BMAP2VVVÿ ƒˆƒ"ƒˆƒ"ƒˆƒ"ƒˆƒ"¿„„‹áâá0 ÀX5 À5ÝÜ áá0A H5  5ˆŠáá0€À05Àáá0=ŒŠáá1À]ÁÁ°ØÐd]Ü]ÁØ\Ð ØÐáá1 IÁ¡ð„SHBËId„)áá@PãÁÃ@À0"¥$Š#ÚGŠ®ááa"€#Ü#ìGÜ ÔááQc@ZB4#rG440ááQU@ÛBD 7DááQ¾ %B+z+p#sg+pt@ááQöÀdB<|ígt<(áá`}@ZÃ04ÃÇÁ€4< á"á1ÀÝâ ¸„‹áâá-"âá->âá-6âá⢆á-(âá-0âá-⢄áâá(áSXáá(àR€0L€ááIô>XÀR¸ùÔe°R´ÑC>Pá áIRÌT°á á_ô@á áyP(@ À"(á á9ð(ÁHàô (¸á áHAOÁ ìÁøá áHCdÁx6àð øá âᲄ Âwwwwwwwwwwwwwwpâ|"""""""Á#‚"""""0â Âÿÿÿÿÿÿÿñïÿÿÿÿÿàâá#q°âá2Žâ á2pâ á2〠â áA â á!8àâ á Çâ á 8â á qÀâ /Žâ /pâ/ã€3ÿÿÁÿÿÿçwww`â.$€D"""â.8à%¿ÿÁÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÐâ-ÇÀâ-8rÿÿÿ¿ÿÿÁÿÿÿÿÿÿÇwâ-áÀ@(2#â,sÿÿÿÿÿÿÁÿÿÿÿÿÿÿþâ,8àá€á+Çã+ 8ã+{Àã*®ã*ðã*Àã)œã)àã(Oã( 8ã(yÀã'®ã'ðã'€ãããã ããÂÿÿÿïÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿàâ âvÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÁÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÐâáâ†'€ã'€ã@ãÀã†`ã`ãã0ã†xÀ€ââ ÁÑ3²q•Àâ ÁŠ IH@¥ âár ú8U<àâX€@â `(Õ# <â¸Á JIJH¥ â îÁÑ:IIÄ™ â0€ã! `%€ã0Ș%€ã0±žã !óÝÀã11˜@@ã1;`ã1Ä`ã1ä1ã 2r @0ã2ƒã2àÄã 2¸1ã3n @ã3ƒ ã3àÄã3¸1ã 4n @ã4ƒã4àÄã4¸1ã5n @ãeƒ€ãeàÄ€ã5¸1ÀãVn @@ã6ƒãVàÄ`ãV¸1`ã7n @ãGƒãGàÄ0ãG¸1ã8n Xã8ƒã8àÄã8¸;ã9n Àã9ƒ0ã9àÌã9¸7ã:n€ã:@ã:ä ã:0P&àâ +'8&0â +øì&øâ +&8â +`ü&â +`&â 'â 0'â á3ó€â 7É€â 7ñÀâ 7@àâ  7`â áC€øâ 8@8â H€û€âX`ÿðâX˜ âáT0€óöâ+€W€â+€g@àâád ÀüâÀg  'â@w`€€â`wP€÷Àâ`w0@yàâát*€(à<ðâ0wU€ðxâwk@x>âÁÀ <€âÁ àâáÁ €  â WÀðâxP`@0âáD@0â(2@â8(âG$Ð âG(` âá4â,€F â,€7"âÀâ@9âá$@â`&`@â`6`€$€â060€3`€â6(@c`ÿÿþâá4ÀEȈˆ‰â6 àUÍÝÝÝ€áv@0âá4030@âS @â v€âá$€"€âÀR âÀCÀ âá`# â`#`âá0âá0 âá0â†áâáâá âá% €âá%@€âá% "ÀâáP"€âÿÁÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÜ3Àâ-?Áÿÿÿÿÿÿÿï â=wwÁwwwwwww€ â.ÝÁÝÝÝÝÝÝÝàâá&pâáØ4Ý€âá~4÷@âá%€@âá'€$@ âá'À$a€âá'`âáð$ü@âáx3°@âá#Àâá"ëâáBz<âáx€`0âáH€Xâá8@{âá)c¬âá8<ðâá8A€ âá(tâáâáâá(@âá@âá€âá âá@$€âáPâá€âá@â„ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ@BKGD+a1 “¡@BMAP1VVV‚ƒ»£‚ƒ»£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„£‚„@CARD 8,>@P$¡ Ü2,7O¤À Immediate Reviewon mouseUp global immediate if hilite of button "Immediate Review" is false then put true into immediate set hilite of button "Immediate Review" to true else put false into immediate set hilite of button "Immediate Review" to false end if end mouseUp „ ªRê€ï print teston mouseUp global questlist show card field waitplease lock screen go to card K print this card open printing with dialog repeat with i = 1 to number of items of questlist put item i of questlist into thisquest go to card thisquest print this card end repeat close printing go to first card unlock screen hide card field waitplease end mouseUp , ¬Màä waitpleaseÿôPLEASE BE PATIENT THIS PROCESS TAKES TIME.... EXAMon openCard global immediate,lockkey put true into immediate set hilite of button "Immediate Review" to true show card field waitplease if lockkey is false then buildList end if hide card field waitplease end openCard  BMAP,>V1™nÿ04 á†?á†3á#R€¿« áÀ¤-°¢áÀáð A ƒˆƒ"ƒˆƒ"ƒˆƒ"ƒˆƒ"¬„½áâ †á"â £†«ã<ãFãã ã…†…¥ã ã"€ ã!" ã1ˆ€ ã!"" ã@ˆˆ€ âO""" â_ˆˆˆ€ â_""" ã@ˆˆˆ€ ã1" ã"ˆ ã"" †¥â€á¤á- â¢â€áâ ῲâ"áâ.ˆáâ." ᣆâ>"""âNˆˆˆ€â>""""âNˆˆˆ€;€‹ã Á""""" "ãQˆˆˆˆÁˆˆˆˆˆˆˆ€ãA"" %"¢†âáâáã.€ãU""" "‰âMˆˆˆâM""""°†áNˆˆˆ‹RâŠáN*ªªª‹NrÌsÁƒf `u2Ôá áOK„Á¥‰€ ïâ?8ÒÁƒ¤i ðÔâo”€BAïâN8„Á$ ðƒ â‰.@áMˆˆˆ@áM"""âMˆˆˆâM"""†á A$€€áE"""á @$€€áEˆˆˆ‹áÁ28v2ALâá Á@I @$€€âá :Á?BT€€á áárH@„á€ááÁ@€ÀT€áá‰á@áGˆˆˆˆá$€áV""""âMˆˆˆˆâ\""""á@áSˆˆˆˆá % áS"""""á% áSˆˆˆˆˆ‹áÁ5AÌc8Ç0âáqJ‚”¥âáq*ZÀRçÁâá2O‚B âáÁO‚çÈ0â‰á@áSˆˆˆˆˆâ\"""""â\ˆˆˆˆˆ§†â\ˆˆˆˆ¤†â\""""²†âMˆˆˆˆ¤†âM""""¢†âMˆˆˆâM""" £†âM"" ¢†â>ˆˆˆ¢†â>"" â>ˆˆâ>" †â/"  CARD.A2Ñ@P$+a¦Z²Aâ:i on mouseUp visual effect iris close pop card end mouseUp "E;E ¢!“7÷€ Compact Stackon mouseUp get userlevel put it into tmp set userlevel to 5 doMenu "Compact Stack" set userlevel to tmp end mouseUp ÿý This is an example of how to administer a timed test, score it, and provide the test taker with the option to review those questions that were incorrect. The userLevel is set to 1 and the menuBar hidden on openStack for obvious reasons. Currently, the time limit option is turned off. Turning it on requires changes to the Exam button script of the first card and the background script of the question cards. The questions are the 372 Novice Test questions Each test consists of 30 questions, one randomly chosen from each subgroup. These are the identical questions used by Volunteer-Examiner Coordinators until November 1, 1992. When "Immediate Feedback" box is checked, then if the wrong answer is chosen, upon pressing the Next or Previous arrows, the correct answer is displayed. If immediate feedback is not desired, then uncheck the box. A review of incorrect answers may also be obtained after the completion of the entire test. A report is displayed upon completion of the test showing amount of time it took, the questions answered incorrectly, and percentage and number of questions answered correctly. This report, along with an answer key, may be printed. The 30-question tests may be printed with an answer key. I suggest using print options "Print full size cards" and a Header like the ICON for stack followed by " # -- Page " followed by the ICON for page number. BEWARE! It takes a lot of time to print the tests, so be patient. Also, printing takes an enormous amount of memory. You may have difficulties if you have only 1 MByte of memory. Try removing most Inits and cdevs, then reboot and try again. I have found that after numerous uses of this stack, the size of the stack may increase, possibly creating difficulty if you are low on diskspace. Therefore, I provided a "Compact Stack" button on this help card to make it easy to compact the stack. I suggest that you compact the stack about once every dozen tests, or whenever the size increases beyond your disk space allotment. If you like this or have suggestions for improvements, let me know. Diana L. Syriac 49A Meadow Pond Drive Leominster, Ma. 01453 USENET: dls@genrad.comAbout....àBMAP2ÑVBDBD Œ â@‰ 
…Š&x<#€3ƒÀ4ü#€ &04€4úá uá+ªá&Á?ø?€BøþrV0Ãø?€ &Á_Fô_@Bô?=rO…ô_@, & Á®  ê® R êÚ€Á¸Šê® T ÀU@TU@|T %v0ÅTU@* V@  "  bþ@Áí@ T V€a" 2þ ðÁÚ€ ðÀ¨ "”"2| ðt5 ðàP V@#À"`S`P V h"€C€ਠ"2 Àˆ$ÀT G@ "   ÁU€  *  ÁUATU@"PÁ ª…ePU@U 7@® B ê® " àÁu Êà® * 0Ã_@`ô_@…ü0ÃúÅü_C ‰ ‮…Œ â@‚IH CARDRì@P$ “‚Question #22A-1.1 What are the five principles which express the fundamental purpose for which the Amateur Radio Service rules are designed? Recognition of emergency communications, advancement of the radio art, improvement of communication and technical skills, increase in the number of trained radio operators and electronics experts, and the enhancement of international good will.Recognition of business communications, advancement of the radio art, improvement of communication and business skills, increase in the number of trained radio operators and electronics experts, and the enhancement of international good will.Recognition of emergency communications, preservation of the earliest radio techniques, improvement of communication and technical skills, maintain a pool of people familiar with early tube-type equipment, and the enhancement of international good will.Recognition of emergency communications, advancement of the radio art, improvement of communication and technical skills, increase in the number of trained radio operators and electroncs experts, and the enhancement of a sense of patriotism and nationalism.#1on openCard global group,rightone put 1 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard àCARD}P$ “7Question #12A-1.2 Which of the following is NOT one of the basic principles for which the Amateur Radio Service rules are defined? Providing emergency communicationsImprovement of communication and technical skillsAdvancement of the radio artEnhancement of a sense of patriotism and nationalism#2on openCard global group,rightone put 1 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard @CARD³+@P$ “¢Question #12A-1.3 The Amateur Radio Service rules were defined to provide a radio communications service that meets five fundamental purposes. Which of the following is NOT one of those principles? Improvement of communication and technical skillsEnhancement of international goodwillIncrease the number of trained radio operators and electronics expertsPreserving the history of radio communications#3on openCard global group,rightone put 1 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard @CARDçÚ@P$ “’Question #12A-1.4 The Amateur Radio Service rules were defined to provide a radio communications service that meets five fundamental purposes. What are those principles? Recognition of business communications, advancement of the radio art, improvement of communication and business skills, increase in the number of trained radio operators and electronics experts and the enhancement of international goodwillRecognition of emergency communications, advancement of the radio art, improvement of communication and technical skills, increase in the number of trained radio operators and electronics experts and the enhancement of international goodwillRecognition of emergency communications, preservation of the earliest radio techniques, improvement of communication and technical skills, maintain a pool of people familiar with early tube-type equipment, and the enhancement of international goodwillRecognition of emergency communications, advancement of the radio art, improvement of communication and technical skills, increase in the number of trained radio operators and electronics experts and the enhancement of a sense of patriotism#4on openCard global group,rightone put 1 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDñ@P$ “iQuestion #52A-2.1 What is the "Amateur Radio Service"? A private radio service used for personal gain and public benefit.A public radio service used for public service communications.A radio communication service for self-training and technical experimentation.A private radio service intended for the furtherance of commercial radio interests.#5on openCard global group,rightone put 1 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard ÀCARD€P$ “ Question #12A-2.2 What name is given to the radio communication service that is designed for self-training and technical experimentation? The Amateur Radio ServiceThe Citizen's Radio ServiceThe Experimenter's Radio ServiceThe Maritime Radio Service #6on openCard global group,rightone put 1 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARD$P$ “ÛQuestion #72A-3.1 What is "Amateur Radio communication"? Non-commercial radio communication between Amateur Radio stations with a personal aim and without pecuniary interest.Commercial radio communications between radio stations licensed to non-profit organizations and businesses.Experimental or educational radio transmissions controlled by student operators.Non-commercial radio communications intended for the education and benefit of the general public.#7on openCard global group,rightone put 1 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard ÀCARDfñP$ “$Question #12A-3.2 What is the term used to describe non-commercial radio communications conducted with a personal aim and without pecuniary interest? Experimental Radio communicationsPersonal Radio communicationsNon-commercial Radio communicationsAmateur Radio communications#8on openCard global group,rightone put 1 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard àCARD P$ “+Question #12A-4.1 Who is an "Amateur Radio operator"? A person who has not received any training in radio operations.Someone who performs communications in the Amateur Radio Service.A person who performs private radio communications for hire.A trainee in a commercial radio station.#9on openCard global group,rightone put 1 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDk±P$ “éQuestion #12A-4.2 What is the term used to describe someone who performs communications in the Amateur Radio Service? A Citizen Radio operatorA Personal Radio operatorA Radio Service operatorAn Amateur Radio operator#10on openCard global group,rightone put 1 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARD*P$ “ÃQuestion #112A-5.1 What is that portion of the amateur radio license that conveys operator privileges? The verification section.Form 610.The operator license.The station license.#11on openCard global group,rightone put 2 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard CARDoQP$ “bQuestion #22A-5.2 What authority is derived from an Amateur Radio operator license? The authority to operate any shortwave radio stationThe authority to operate an Amateur Radio stationThe authority to have an Amateur Radio station at a particular locationThe authority to transmit on either amateur or Class D citizen's band frequencies#12on openCard global group,rightone put 2 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard @CARD8P$ “ŽQuestion #22A-6.1 What authority is derived from an Amateur Radio station license? The authority to use specified operating frequencies.The authority to have an Amateur Radio station at a particular location.The authority to enforce FCC Rules when violations are noted on the part of other operators.The autority to transmit on either amateur or Class D citizen's band frequencies.#13on openCard global group,rightone put 2 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard ÀCARDpP$ “ Question #22A-6.2 What part of your Amateur Radio license gives you authority to have an Amateur Radio station at a particular location? The operator licenseThe FCC Form 610The station licenseAn Amateur Radio license does not specify a station location#14on openCard global group,rightone put 2 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard @CARDP$ “—Question #22A-7.1 What is an "Amateur Radio station"? A licensed radio station engaged in broadcasting to the public in a limited and well-defined area.A radio station used to further commercial radio interests.A private radio service used for personal gain and public service.A radio station operated by a person interested in self-training, intercommunication and technical investigation.#17on openCard global group,rightone put 2 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARDFP$ “ÆQuestion #22A-8.1 What is a "control operator"? A licensed operator designated to be responsible for the emissions of a particular station.A person, either licensed of not, who controls the emissions of an Amateur Radio Station.An unlicensed person who is speaking over an Amateur Radio Station's microphone while a licensed person is present.A government official who comes to an Amateur Radio Station to take control for test purposes.#16on openCard global group,rightone put 2 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard ÀCARDLP$ “Question #172A-8.2 As an Amateur Radio station licensee, you may designate another Amateur Radio operator to be responsible for the emissions from your station. What is this other operator called? Auxiliary operator.Operations coordinator.Third party.Control operator.#17on openCard global group,rightone put 2 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard àCARDqÀP$ “AQuestion #22A-9.1 List the five United States Amateur Radio license classes in order of increasing priveleges. Novice, General, Technician, Advanced, Amateur ExtraNovice, Technician, General, Advanced, DigitalNovice, Technician, General, Amateur, ExtraNovice, Technician, General, Advanced, Amateur Extra#18on openCard global group,rightone put 2 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDrDP$ “çQuestion #192A-9.2 Which US Amateur Radio operator license is considered to be the "entry level" or "beginner's" license? The Novice class licenseThe CB licenseThe Technician class licenseThe Amateur class license19on openCard global group,rightone put 2 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARDsP$ “ÌQuestion #22A-9.3 What is the license class immediately above Novice class? The Digital class licenseThe Technician class licenseThe General class licenseThe Experimenter's class license#20on openCard global group,rightone put 2 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARDZP$ “¸Question #32A-10.1 What are the Novice control operator frequency privileges in the 80 meter band? 3500 to 4000 kHz.3700 to 3750 kHz.7100 to 7150 kHz.7000 to 7300 kHz.#21on openCard global group,rightone put 3 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARD{P$ “¸Question #32A-10.2 What are the Novice control operator frequency privileges in the 40 meter band? 3500 to 4000 kHz.3700 to 3750 kHz.7100 to 7150 kHz.7000 to 7300 kHz.#22on openCard global group,rightone put 3 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARDP$ “ÈQuestion #32A-10.3 What are the Novice control operator frequency privileges in the 15 meter band? 21.100 to 21.200 MHz.21.000 to 21.450 MHz.28.000 to 29.700 MHz.28.100 to 28.500 MHz.#23on openCard global group,rightone put 3 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARDýP$ “ÈQuestion #32A-10.4 What are the Novice control operator frequency privileges in the 10 meter band? 10.100 to 10.109 MHz.10.115 to 10.150 MHz.28.000 to 29.700 MHz.28.100 to 28.500 MHz.#24on openCard global group,rightone put 3 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARD&P$ “ÁQuestion #32A-10.5 What frequencies may a Novice control operator use in the amateur 220-MHz band? 225.0 to 230.5 MHz.222.1 to 223.91 MHz.224.1 to 225.1 MHz.221.2 to 223.0 MHz.#25on openCard global group,rightone put 3 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARD'ûP$ “¹Question #32A-10.6 What frequencies may a Novice control operator use in the amateur 1270-MHz band? 1260 to 1270 MHz.1240 to 1300 MHz.1270 to 1295 MHz.1240 to 1246 MHz.#26on openCard global group,rightone put 3 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARD#P$ “¯Question #272A-10.7 If you are operating your Amateur Radio station on 3725 kHz, in what meter band are you operating? 80 meters.40 meters.15 meters10 meters.#27on openCard global group,rightone put 3 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARDu0P$ “®Question #32A-10.8 If you are operating your Amateur Radio station on 7125 kHz, in what meter band are you operating? 80 meters.40 meters.15 meters10 meters.#28on openCard global group,rightone put 3 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARDv¤P$ “°Question #32A-10.9 If you are operating your Amateur Radio station on 21,150 kHz, in what meter band are you operating? 80 meters.40 meters.15 meters10 meters.#29on openCard global group,rightone put 3 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARDwŽP$ “±Question #32A-10.10 If you are operating your Amateur Radio station on 28,150 kHz, in what meter band are you operating? 80 meters.40 meters.15 meters10 meters.#30on openCard global group,rightone put 3 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDt,P$ “ýQuestion #42A-11.1 Who is eligible to obtain a US amateur Radio "operator" license? Anyone except a representative of a foreign governmentOnly a citizen of the United StatesAnyoneAnyone except an employee of the United States Government#31on openCard global group,rightone put 4 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDx\P$ “øQuestion #322A-11.2 Who is NOT eligible to obtain a US Amateur Radio "operator" license? Any citizen of a country other than the United StatesA representative of a foreign governmentNo oneAn employee of the United States Government#32on openCard global group,rightone put 4 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARDyöP$ “·Question #42A-12.1 What FCC examination elements are required for a Novice class license? Elements 1(A) and 2(A)Elements 1(B) and 2Elements 1(A) and 2Elements 1 and 2#33on openCard global group,rightone put 4 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard @CARDztP$ “Question #42A-12.2 What is an FCC Element 1(A) examination intended to prove? The applicant's ability to send and receive Morse code at 5 words per minuteThe applicant's ability to send and receive Morse code at 13 words per minuteThe applicant's knowledge of Novice class theory and regulationsThe applicant's ability to recognize Novice frequency assignments and operating modes#34on openCard global group,rightone put 4 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARD| P$ “jQuestion #352A-12.3 What is an FCC Element 2 examination? A test of the applicant's ability to send and receive Morse code at 5 words per minuteThe written examination for the Technician class operator licenseA test of the applican'ts ability to recognize Novice frequency assignmentsThe written examination for the Novice class operator license#35on openCard global group,rightone put 4 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard àCARD}™P$ “0Question #42A-13.1 Who is eligible to obtain a US Amateur Radio "station" license? A licensed Amateur Radio operatorAny unlicensed person, except an agent of a foreign governmentAny unlicensed person, except an employee of the United States GovernmentAny unlicensed United States Citizen#36on openCard global group,rightone put 4 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARD~¨P$ “fQuestion #372A-14.1 Why is an Amateur Radio operator required to furnish the FCC with a current mailing address? So the FCC has a record of the location of each Amateur Radio stationSo the FCC can direct correspondence to the licenseeSo the FCC can send license-renewal noticesSo the FCC can compile a list for use in the call sign directory#37on openCard global group,rightone put 4 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARD¿P$ “Question #382A-15.1 Which one of the following call signs is a valid US amateur call? UA4HAKKBL7766KA9OLSBY7HY#38on openCard global group,rightone put 4 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARD†"P$ “{Question #42A-15.2 Which one of the following call signs is a valid US amateur call? CE2FTFG3GVAUA1ZAMAA2Z#39on openCard global group,rightone put 4 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARD‡+P$ “ƒQuestion #42A-15.3 Which one of the following call signs is NOT a valid US amateur call? KDV5653WA1DVUKA5BUGNT0Z#40on openCard global group,rightone put 4 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARD€ýQ “§Question #42A-15.4 What letters may be used for the first letter in a valid US amateur call sign? K, N, U and WA, K, N and WA, B, C and DA, N, V and W#41on openCard global group,rightone put 4 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard ÀCARD Q “Question #42A-15.5 Excluding special-event call signs that may be issued by the FCC, what numbers may be used in a valid US call sign? Any double-digit number, 10 through 99Any double-digit number, 22 through 45Any single digit, 1 through 9A single digit, 0 through 9#42on openCard global group,rightone put 4 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARD‚Q “¯Question #42A-16.1 Your Novice license was issued on November 1, 1988. When will it expire? November 1, 1998November 30, 1998November 1, 1993November 1, 1990#43on openCard global group,rightone put 4 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARD8PQ “ËQuestion #52A-17.1 What does the term "emission" mean? RF signals transmitted from a radio station.Signals refracted by the E layer.Filter out the carrier of a received signal.Baud rate.#44on openCard global group,rightone put 5 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARDƒqQ “­Question #52A-17.2 What emission types are Novice control operators permitted to use on the amateur 80-meter band? A1A onlyF1B onlyA80A onlyA1A and J3E only#45on openCard global group,rightone put 5 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARD Q “­Question #52A-17.3 What emission types are Novice control operators permitted to use on the amateur 40-meter band? A1A onlyF1B onlyA40A onlyA1A and J3E only#46on openCard global group,rightone put 5 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARD ‚Q “®Question #472A-17.4 What emission types are Novice control operators permitted to use on the amateur 15-meter band? A1A onlyF1B onlyA15A onlyA1A and J3E only#47on openCard global group,rightone put 5 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARD„™Q “ìQuestion #52A-17.5 What emission types are Novice control operators permitted to use from 3700 to 3750 kHz? A1A and F1B onlyA1A and J3E onlyAll amateur emission privileges authorized for use on those frequenciesA1A only#48on openCard global group,rightone put 5 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARD!ÖQ “íQuestion #492A-17.6 What emission types are Novice control operators permitted to use from 7100 to 7150 kHz? A1A and F1B onlyA1A and J3E onlyAll amateur emission privileges authorized for use on those frequenciesA1A only#49on openCard global group,rightone put 5 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARD"äQ “ìQuestion #52A-17.7 What emission types are Novice control operators permitted to use from 21.1 to 21.2 MHz? A1A and F1B onlyA1A and J3E onlyAll amateur emission privileges authorized for use on those frequenciesA1A only#50on openCard global group,rightone put 5 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARD=åQ “ÛQuestion #52A-17.8 What emission types are Novice control operators permitted to use on frequencies from 28.1 to 28.3 MHz? All authorized amateur emission privileges.F1B and J3E.A1A and F1B.A1A and J3E.#51on openCard global group,rightone put 5 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARD<ãQ “ÛQuestion #52A-17.9 What emission types are Novice control operators permitted to use on frequencies from 28.3 to 28.5 MHz? All authorized amateur emission privileges.A1A and F1B.A1A and J3E.A1A and F3E.#52on openCard global group,rightone put 5 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARD…>Q “ãQuestion #532A-17.10 What emission types are Novice control operators permitted to use on the amateur 220-MHz band? F1B and J3EA1A and F1BA1A and J3EAll amateur emission privileges authorized for use on 220 MHz#53on openCard global group,rightone put 5 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARD(³Q “äQuestion #52A-17.11 What emission types are Novice control operators permitted to use on the amateur 1270-MHz band? F1B and J3EA1A and F1BA1A and J3EAll amateur emission privileges authorized for use on 1270 MHz#54on openCard global group,rightone put 5 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARD$¥Q “¿Question #552A-17.12 On what frequencies may a Novice control operator operate single-sideband voice? 3700 to 3750 kHz7100 to 7150 kHz21,100 to 21,200 kHz28,300 to 28,500 kHz#55on openCard global group,rightone put 5 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARD%ÃQ “¯Question #562A-17.13 On what frequencies may a Novice control operator operate FM voice? 28.3 to 28.5 MHz144.0 to 148.0 MHz222.1 to 223.91 MHz1240 to 1270 MHz#56on openCard global group,rightone put 5 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard ÀCARDf|Q “Question #62A-19.1 What amount of transmitting power may a Novice class control operator use when operating below 30 MHz? 200 watts input.250 watts output1500 watts PEP output.The minimum legal power necessary to maintain reliable communications.#57on openCard global group,rightone put 6 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDgtQ “Question #62A-18.2 What is the maximum transmitting power ever permitted to be used at an amateur station transmitting in the 80, 40, and 15-meter Novice bands? 75 watts PEP output 100 watts PEP output200 watts PEP output 1500 watts PEP output#58on openCard global group,rightone put 6 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDh•Q “êQuestion #62A-18.3 What is the amount of transmitting power that an amateur station must never exceed when transmitting on 3725-kHz? 75 watts PEP output.100 watts PEP output.200 watts PEP output.1500 watts PEP output.#59on openCard global group,rightone put 6 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDiQ “ëQuestion #62A-18.4 What is the amount of transmitting power that an amateur station must never exceed when transmitting on 7125-kHz? 75 watts PEP output.100 watts PEP output.200 watts PEP output.1500 watts PEP output.#60on openCard global group,rightone put 6 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARD-¯Q “ÕQuestion #612A-18.5 What is the maximum transmitting power permitted an amateur station transmitting on 21.125 MHz? 75 watts PEP output100 watts PEP output200 watts PEP output1500 watts PEP output#61on openCard global group,rightone put 6 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDˆæQ “óQuestion #62A-19.1 What is the maximum transmitting power permitted an amateur station with a Novice control operator transmitting on 28.125 MHz? 75 watts PEP output100 watts PEP output200 watts PEP output1500 watts PEP output#62on openCard global group,rightone put 6 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard ÀCARDjÞQ “Question #62A-19.2 What is the maximum transmitting power permitted an amateur station with a Novice control operator transmitting on the amateur 10-meter band? 25 watts PEP output.200 watts PEP output.1000 watts PEP output.1500 watts PEP output.#63on openCard global group,rightone put 6 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDkŽQ “Question #62A-19.3 What is the maximum transmitting power permitted an amateur station with a Novice control operator transmitting on the amateur 220-MHz band? 5 watts PEP output.10 watts PEP output.25 watts PEP output.200 watts PEP output.#64on openCard global group,rightone put 6 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard ÀCARDlïQ “Question #62A-19.4 What is the maximum transmitting power permitted an amateur station with a Novice control operator transmitting on the amateur 1270-MHz band? 5 milliwatts PEP output500 milliwatts PEP output.1 watt PEP output.5 watts PEP output.#65on openCard global group,rightone put 6 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard CARDmzQ “IQuestion #62A-19.5 What amount of transmitting power may an amateur station with a Novice control operator use on the amateur 220-MHz band? Not less than 5 watts PEP output.The minimum legal power necessary to maintain reliable communications.Not more than 50 watts PEP output.Not more than 200 watts PEP output.#66on openCard global group,rightone put 6 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDuñQ “ìQuestion #62A-20.1 What term is used to describe amateur communications intended to be received and printed automatically? Teleport communications.Direct communications.Digital communications.Third-party communications.#67on openCard global group,rightone put 6 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDv®Q “ôQuestion #682A-20.2 What term is used to describe amateur communications for the direct transfer of information between computers? Teleport communications.Direct communications.Digital communications.Third-party communications.#68on openCard global group,rightone put 6 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARD@³Q “×Question #62A-20.3 On what frequencies in the 10-meter band are Novice control operators permitted to transmit emission F1B RTTY? 28.1 to 28.5 MHz.28.0 to 29.7 MHz.28.1 to 28.2 MHz.28.1 to 28.3 MHz.#69on openCard global group,rightone put 6 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard ÀCARD/‡Q “Question #72A-21.1 Who is held responsible for the proper operation of an amateur station? Only the control operator Only the station licenseeBoth the control operator and the station licenseeThe person who owns the property where the station is located#70on openCard global group,rightone put 7 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARD~Q “êQuestion #72A-21.2 You allow another Amateur Radio operator to use your amateur station. What are your responsibilities, as the station licensee? You are responsible for the proper operation of your stationOnly the control operator is responsible for the proper operation of the stationAs the station licensee, you must be at the control point of your station whenever it is operatedYou must notify the FCC when another amateur will be the control operator of your station#71on openCard global group,rightone put 7 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARD4ãQ “ºQuestion #72A-21.3 What is your primary responsibility as the station licensee? You must permit any licensed amateur radio operator to operate your station at any time upon requestYou must be present whenever the station is operatedYou must notify the FCC in writing whenever another Amateur Radio operator will act as the control operatorYou are responsible for the proper operation of the station for which you are licensed#72on openCard global group,rightone put 7 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARD5ÌQ “ãQuestion #72A-21.4 You are the licensee of an Amateur Radio station. When are you NOT responsible for its proper operation? Only when another licensed amateur is the control operatorThe licensee is responsible for the proper operation of the station for which he or she is licensedOnly after notifying the FCC in writing that another licensed amateur will assume responsibility for the proper operation of your stationOnly when your station is in repeater operation#73on openCard global group,rightone put 7 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard àCARD6çQ “6Question #72A-22.1 When must an amateur station have a control operator? A control operator is only required for training purposesWhenever the station receiver is operatedWhenever the transmitter is operated, except when the station is under automatic controlA control operator is not required#74on openCard global group,rightone put 7 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARD7Q “ñQuestion #72A-22.2 Another amateur gives you permission to use her Amateur Radio station. What are your responsibilities, as the control operator? You are responsible for the proper operation of the stationOnly the station licensee is responsible for the proper operation of the stationYou must be certain the station licensee has given proper FCC notice that you will be the control operatorYou must inspect all antennas and related equipment to ensure they are working properly#75on openCard global group,rightone put 7 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard àCARD9|Q “/Question #72A-23.1 Who may be the control operator of an amateur station? Any person over 21 years of ageAny licensed Amateur Radio operatorAny licensed Amateur Radio operator with an Advanced class license or higherAny person over 21 years of age with a General class license or higher#76on openCard global group,rightone put 7 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARD:Q “sQuestion #772A-24.1 Where must an Amateur Radio operator be when he or she is performing the duties of control operator? Anywhere in the same building as the transmitterAt the control point of the Amateur Radio stationAt the station entrance, to control entry to the roomWithin sight of the station monitor, to view the output spectrum of the transmitter#77on openCard global group,rightone put 7 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard àCARD>ÀQ “BQuestion #72A-25.1 Where must you keep your Amateur Radio operator license when you are operating a station? Your original operator license must always be posted in plain viewYour original operator license must always be taped to the inside front cover of your station logYou must have the original or a photocopy of your operator license in your possessionYou must have the original or a photocopy of your operator license posted at your primary station location. You need not have the original license nor a copy in your possession to operate another station#78on openCard global group,rightone put 7 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard ÀCARD?Q “#Question #72A-26.1 Where must you keep your Amateur Radio station license when your staion is being operated? You original station license must always be taped to the inside front cover of your station logYour original station license must always be posted in plain viewYou must post the original or a photocopy of your station license at the main entrance to the transmitter buildingYou must post the original or a photocopy of your station license near your station or keep it in the personal possession of the licensed operator#79on openCard global group,rightone put 7 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard CARD\…Q “WQuestion #802A-27.1 How often must an amateur station be identified? At the beginning of the contact and at least every ten minutes during a contact.At least once during each transmission.At least every ten minutes during a contact and at the end of the contact.Every 15 minutes during a contact and at the end of the contact.#80on openCard global group,rightone put 8 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARD]=Q “°Question #82A-27.2 As an Amateur Radio operator, how should you correctly identify your station communications? With the name and location of the control operator.With the station call signWith the call of the control operator, even when he or she is visiting another radio amateur's station.With the name and location of the station licensee, followed by the two-letter designation of the nearest FCC Field Office.#81on openCard global group,rightone put 8 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard CARD^PQ “QQuestion #82A-27.3 What station identification, if any, is required at the beginning of a QSO? The operator originating the contact must transmit both call signs.No identification is required at the beginning of the contact.Both operators must transmit their own call signs.Both operators must transmit both call signs.#82on openCard global group,rightone put 8 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard @CARD_Èºó ““Question #82A-27.4 What station identification, if any, is required at the end of a QSO? Both operators must transmit their own call sign.No identification is required at the end of the contact.The operator originating the contact must always transmit both call signs.Both operators must transmit their own call sign followed by a two-letter designator for the nearest FCC field office.#83on openCard global group,rightone put 8 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard @CARD`Sºó “¡Question #842A-27.5 What do the FCC Rules for amateur station identification require? Each Amateur Radio station shall give its call sign at the beginning of each communication, and every ten minutes or less during a communication.Each Amateur Radio station shall give its call sign at the end of each communication, and every ten minutes or less during a communication.Each Amateur Radio station shall give its call sign at the beginning of each communication, and every five minutes or less during a communication.Each Amateur Radio station shall give its call sign at the end of each communication, and every five minutes or less during a communication.#84on openCard global group,rightone put 8 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard @CARDbÄºó “¥Question #82A-27.6 What is the fewest number of times you must transmit your Amateur Radio station identification during a 25 minute QSO? 1.2.3. 4.#85on openCard global group,rightone put 8 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARDdHºó “ÎQuestion #862A-27.7 What is the longest period of time during a QSO that an amateur station does not need to transmit its station identification? 5 minutes.10 minutes.15 minutes.20 minutes.#86on openCard global group,rightone put 8 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard àCARDAdºó “:Question #82A-28.1 With which amateur stations may an FCC-licensed amateur station communicate? All amateur stationsAll public noncommercial radio stations unless prohibited by the station's governmentOnly with US amateur stationsAll amateur stations, unless prohibited by the amateur's government#87on openCard global group,rightone put 8 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDCÛºó “òQuestion #82A-28.2 With which non-Amateur Radio stations may an FCC-licensed amateur station communicate? No non-amateur stationsAll such stationsOnly those authorized by the FCCOnly those who use the International Morse code#88on openCard global group,rightone put 8 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard @CARDwÜºó “ Question #82A-29.1 When must the licensee of an Amateur Radio station in portable or mobile operation notify the FCC of such operation? One week in advance, if the operation will last for more than 24 hours.FCC notification is not required for portable or mobile operation.One week in advance, if the operation will last for more than a week.One month in advance of any portable or mobile operation.#89on openCard global group,rightone put 8 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDxïºó “rQuestion #902A-29.2 When may you operate your Amateur Radio station at a location within the United States, its territories or possessions other than the one listed on your station license? Only during times of emergency.Only after giving proper notice to the FCC.During an emergency or an FCC approved emergency preparedness drill.Whenever you want to.#90on openCard global group,rightone put 8 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARDDáºó “ÁQuestion #912A-30.1 When are business communications permitted in the Amateur Radio Service? Only when the immediate safety of life of individuals or property is threatenedThere are no rules against conducting business communications in the Amateur Radio ServiceNo business communications of any kind are permitted in the Amateur Radio ServiceBusiness communications are permitted between the hours of 9 AM to 5 PM, only on weekdays#91on openCard global group,rightone put 8 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDE¾ºó “Question #82A-30.2 You wish to obtain an application for membership in the American Radio Relay League. When would you be permitted to send an Amateur Radio message requesting the application? At any time, since the ARRL is a not-for-profit organizationNever. Business communications are not permitted in the Amateur Radio serviceOnly during normal business hours, between 9 AM and 5 PMAt any times, since there are no rules against conducting business communications in the Amateur Radio Service#92on openCard global group,rightone put 8 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDFTºó “øQuestion #82A-30.3 On your way home from work you decide to order pizza for dinner. When would you be permitted to use the autopatch on your radio club repeater to order the pizza? At any time, since you will not profit from the communicationsOnly during normal business hours, between 9 AM and 5 PMAt any time, since there are no rules against conducting business communications in the Amateur Radio ServiceNever. Business communications are not permitted in the Amateur Radio Service#93on openCard global group,rightone put 8 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard @CARDYàºó “šQuestion #92A-31.1 When may an FCC-licensed Amateur Radio operator communicate with an Amateur Radio operator in a foreign country? Only when the foreign country uses English as its primary language.All the time, except on 28.600 to 29.700 MHz.Only when a third party agreement exists between the US and the foreign country.At any time unless prohibited by either the US or foreign government.#94on openCard global group,rightone put 9 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDP\ºó “Question #92A-32.1 When may an Amateur Radio station be used to transmit messages for hire? Under no circumstances may an Amateur Radio station be hired to transmit messages.Modest payment from a non-profit charitable organization is permissible.No money may change hands, but a radio amateur may be compensated for services rendered with gifts of equipment or services rendered as return favor.All payments received in return for transmitting messages by Amateur Radio must be reported to the IRS.#95on openCard global group,rightone put 9 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDQ ºó “xQuestion #962A-32.2 When may the control operator be paid to transmit messages from an Amateur Radio station? The control operator may be paid if he or she works for a public service agency such as the Red Cross.The control operator may not be paid under any circumstances.The control operator may be paid if he or she reports all income earned from operating an Amateur Radio Station to the IRS as receipt of tax-deductible contributions.The control operator may be paid if he or she works for an Amateur Radio Station that operates primarily to broadcast telegraphy practice and news bulletins for Radio Amateurs.#96on openCard global group,rightone put 9 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARD‰ôºó “«Question #92A-33.1 When is an Amateur Radio operator permitted to broadcast information intended for the general public? Amateur Radio operators are not permitted to broadcast information intended for the general publicOnly when the operator is being paid to transmit the informationOnly when such transmissions last less than 1 hour in any 24-hour periodOnly when such transmission last longer than 15 minutes#97on openCard global group,rightone put 9 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard @CARDºó “”Question #92A-34.1 What is "third-party traffic"? A message passed by one amateur Radio control operator to another Amateur Radio control operator on behalf of another person.Public service communications handled on behalf of a minor political party.Only messages that are formally handled through Amateur Radio channels. A report of highway conditions transmitted over a local repeater#98on openCard global group,rightone put 9 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDJºó “þQuestion #92A-34.2 Who is a "third-party" in Amateur Radio communications? The Amateur Radio station that breaks into a two-way contact between two other Amateur Radio stations.Any person passing a message through Amateur Radio communication channels other than the control operators of the two stations handling the message.A shortwave listener monitoring a two-way Amateur Radio communication.The control operator present when an unlicensed person communicates over an Amateur Radio station.#99on openCard global group,rightone put 9 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard CARDGºó “VQuestion #92A-34.3 When is an Amateur Radio operator permitted to transmit a message to a foreign country for a third party? AnytimeNeverAnytime, unless there is a third-party traffic agreement between the US and the foreign governmentOnly if there is a third-party traffic agreement between the US and the foreign government#100on openCard global group,rightone put 9 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard àCARDŠåºó “.Question #92A-35.1 When is an Amateur Radio operator permitted to transmit music? The transmission of music is not permitted in the Amateur Radio ServiceWhen the music played produces no disonances or spurious emissionsWhen it is used to jam an illegal transmission Only above 1280 MHz#101on openCard global group,rightone put 9 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARD‹…ºó “ßQuestion #92A-36.1 When is the transmission by radio of messages in codes or ciphers permitted in domestic and international communications between Amateur Radio stations? Codes and ciphers are permitted during ARRL-Sponsored contestsCodes and ciphers are permitted during nationally declared emergenciesThe transmission of codes and ciphers is not permitted in domestic or international Amateur Radio communicationsCodes and ciphers are permitted above 1280 MHz#102on openCard global group,rightone put 9 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDŒ¸ºó “jQuestion #92A-36.2 When is an Amateur Radio operator permitted to use abbreviations that are intended to obscure the meaning of the message? Only during ARRL-sponsored contestsOnly on frequencies above 222.5 MHzOnly during a declared communications emergencyAbbreviations that are intended to obscure the meaning of the message may never be used#103on openCard global group,rightone put 9 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARDNIºó “¼Question #102A-37.1 Under what circumstances, if any, may the control operator cause "false or deceptive signals or communications" to be transmitted? Under no circumstances.When operating a beacon transmitter in a "fox hunt" exercise.When playing a harmless "practical joke" without causing interference to other stations that are not involved.When you need to obscure the meaning of transmitted information to ensure secrecy.#104on openCard global group,rightone put 10 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard àCARDOýºó “8Question #1052A-37.2 If an Amateur Radio operator transmits the word "MAYDAY" when no actual emergency has occurred, what is this called? A traditional greeting in May.An Emergency Action System test transmission.False or deceptive signals."MAYDAY" has no significance in an emergency situation.#105on openCard global group,rightone put 10 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard ÀCARDHZºó “ Question #102A-38.1 When may the control operator transmit unidentified communications? A transmission need not be identified if it is restricted to brief tests not intended for reception by other parties.A transmission need not be identified when conducted on a clear frequency or "dead band" where interference will not occur.An amateur operator may never transmit unidentified communicationsA transmission need not be identified unless two-way communications or third-party traffic handling are involved.#106on openCard global group,rightone put 10 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARDIºó “âQuestion #102A-38.2 What is the meaning of the term "unidentified radio communications or signals"? Radio communications in which the transmitting station's call sign is transmitted in modes other than CW and voice.Radio communications approaching a receiving station from an unknown direction.Radio communications in which the operator fails to transmit his or her name and QTH.Radio communications in which the transmitting station's call sign is not transmitted.#107on openCard global group,rightone put 10 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARDJ@ºó “âQuestion #1082A-38.3 What is the term for transmissions from an amateur station without the required station identification? Unidentified transmission.Reluctance modulation.N0N emission.Tactical communication.#108on openCard global group,rightone put 10 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard àCARDKÇ@ºó “+Question #102A-39.1 When may an Amateur Radio operator willfully or maliciously interfere with a radio communication or signal? You may jam another person's transmissions if that person is not operating in a legal manner.You may interfere with another station's signals if that station begins transmitting on a frequency already occupied by your station.You may never intentionally interfere with another station's transmissions.You may expect, and cause, deliberate interference because it is unavoidable during crowded band conditions.#109on openCard global group,rightone put 10 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARDLÆ@ºó “ºQuestion #102A-39.2 What is the meaning of the term "malicious interference?" Accidental interference.Intentional interference.Mild interference.Occasional interference.#110on openCard global group,rightone put 10 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDMN@ºó “ùQuestion #102A-39.3 What is the term used to describe an Amateur Radio transmission that is intended to disrupt other communications in progress? Interrupted CW.Malicious interference.Transponded signals.Unidentified transmissions.#111on openCard global group,rightone put 10 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARDn[@ºó “ÚQuestion #102A-40.1 As an Amateur Radio operator, you receive an "Official Notice of Violation" from the FCC. How promptly must you respond? Within 90 days.Within 30 days.Within 10 days.The next day.#112on openCard global group,rightone put 10 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard àCARDor@ºó “%Question #102A-40.2 As an Amateur Radio operator, you receive an "Official Notice of Violation" from the FCC. To whom must you respond? Any office of the FCC.The Gettysburg, PA office of the FCC.The Washington, DC office of the FCC.The FCC office that originated the notice.#113on openCard global group,rightone put 10 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDpl@ºó “æQuestion #102A-40.3 As an Amateur Radio operator, you receive an "Official Notice of Violation" from the FCC relating to a violation that may be due to the physical or electrical characteristic of your transmitting apparatus. What information must be included in your response? The make and model of the apparatus.The steps taken to guarantee future violations.The date that the apparatus was returned to the manufacturer.The steps taken to prevent future violations.#114on openCard global group,rightone put 10 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARDŽ‰ºó “ÔQuestion #1152B-1-1.1 What is the most important factor to consider when selecting a transmitting frequency within your authorized subband? The frequency should not be in use by other amateursYou should be able to hear other stations on the frequency to ensure that someone will be able to hear youYour antenna should be resonant at the selected frequencyYou should ensure that the SWR on the antenna feed line is high enough at the selected frequency#115on openCard global group,rightone put 11 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard àCARDSºó “5Question #1162B-1-1.2 You wish to contact an Amateur Radio station more than 1500 miles away on a summer afternoon. Which band is most likely to provide a successful contact? The 80- or 40- meter bandsThe 40- or 15- meter bandsThe 15- or 10- meter bandsThe 1 1/4 meter or 23-centimeter bands#116on openCard global group,rightone put 11 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard àCARD€<ºó “1Question #112B-1-1.3 How can on-the-air transmitter tune-up be kept as short as possible? By using a random wire antenna.By tuning up on 40 meters first, then switching to the desired band.By tuning the transmitter into a dummy load.By using twin lead instead of coaxial-cable feed lines.#117on openCard global group,rightone put 11 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard @CARDT÷ºó “£Question #1182B-1-2.1 You are having a QSO with your uncle in Pittsburgh when you hear an emergency call for help on the frequency you are using. What should you do? Inform the station that the frequency is in useDirect the station to the nearest emergency net frequencyCall your local Civil Preparedness Office and inform them of the emergencyImmediately stand by to copy the emeregency communication#118on openCard global group,rightone put 11 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard ÀCARDU¢ºó “Question #1192B-2-1.1 What is the formate of a standard Morse code CQ call? Transmit the procedural signal "CQ" three times, followed by the procedural signal "DE", followed by your call three timesTransmit the procedural signal "CQ" three times, followed by the procedural signal "DE", followed by your call one timeTransmit the procedural signal "CQ" ten times, followed by the procedural signal "DE", followed by your call one timeTransmit the procedural signal "CQ" continuously until someone answers your call#119on openCard global group,rightone put 11 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARDVÅºó “¨Question #1202B-2-1.2 How should you answer a Morse code CQ call? Send your call sign four timesSend the other station's call sign twice, followed by the procedural signal "DE", followed by your call sign twiceSend the other station's call sign once, followed by the procedural signal "DE", followed by your call sign four timesSend your call sign followed by your name, station location and a signal report#120on openCard global group,rightone put 11 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard ÀCARD|(ºó “ Question #1212B-2-2.1 At what telegraphy speed should a CQ message be transmitted? Only speeds below five wpm.The highest speed your keyer will operate.The speed at which you can reliably receive.The highest speed at which you can control the keyer.#121on openCard global group,rightone put 11 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARDW·t‡ºó “±Question #1222B-2-3.1 What is the meaning of the Morse code character AR? Only the called station transmitAll received correctlyEnd of transmissionBest regards#122on openCard global group,rightone put 11 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `BMAPt‡VE6FF2ÿü mouseUp global questans, group@CARDXŸºó “Question #1232B-2-3.2 What is the meaning of the Morse code character SK? Received some correctlyBest regardsWaitEnd of contact#123on openCard global group,rightone put 11 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `BMAPVD5EH2ÿÿ@CARDZBÍºó ““Question #1242B-2-3.3 What is the meaning of the Morse code character BT? Double dash "="Fraction bar "/"End of contactBack to you#124on openCard global group,rightone put 11 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `BMAPÍVC6DG2ÿþîètime1Ôtim`CARD[ ‘»G “±Question #1252B-2-3.4 What is the meaning of the Morse code character DN? Double dash "="Fraction bar "/"Done now ( end of contact )Called station only transmit#125on openCard global group,rightone put 11 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `BMAP‘VC7DH2ÿÿÈâ €€ÿÿÈâ €€`CARDa’ »G “´Question #112B-2-3.5 What is the meaning of the Morse code character KN? Fraction bar "/"End of contactCalled station only transmitKey now ( go ahead to transmit )#126on openCard global group,rightone put 11 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `BMAP’ VB7CG2ÿþÉ €€ÿÿÉ €€CARDe…»G “]Question #112B-2-4.1 What is the procedural signal "CQ" used for? To notify another station that you will call on the quarter hourTo indicate that you are testing a new antenna and not listening for another station to answerTo indicate that only the called station should transmitA general call when you are trying to make a contact#127on openCard global group,rightone put 11 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDq=»G “÷Question #112B-2-4.2 What is the procedural signal "DE" used for? To mean "from" or "this is", as in "W9NGT de N9BTT"To indicate direction emissions from you antennaTo indicate "received all correctly"To mean "calling any station"#128on openCard global group,rightone put 11 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARDr.»G “ÐQuestion #1292B-2-4.3 What is the procedural signal "K" used for? To mean "any station transmit"To mean "all received correctly"To mean " end of message"To mean "called station only transmit"#129on openCard global group,rightone put 11 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARDzy»G “ÇQuestion #1302B-2-5.1 What does the R in the RST signal report mean? The recovery of the signal.The resonance of the CW tone.The rate of signal flutter.The readability of the signal.#130on openCard global group,rightone put 11 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARDyØ»G “¾Question #112B-5-2.2 What does the S in RST signal report mean? The scintillation of a signal.The strength of the signal.The signal quality.The speed of the CW transmission.#131on openCard global group,rightone put 11 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARD{E»G “ãQuestion #1322B-2-5.3 What does the T in the RST signal report mean? The tone of the signal.The closeness of the signal to "telephone" quality.The timing of the signal dot to dash ratio.The tempo of the signal.#132on openCard global group,rightone put 11 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard @CARDsI»G “¢Question #1332B-2-6.1 What is one meaning of the Q signal "QRS"? Interference from staticSend more slowlySend RST reportRadio station location is#133on openCard global group,rightone put 11 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard @CARD“ »G “Question #112B-2-6.2 What is one meaning of the Q signal "QRT"? The correct time isSend RST reportStop sendingSend more slowly#134on openCard global group,rightone put 11 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard @CARD”$»G “†Question #1352B-2-6.3 What is one meaning of the Q signal "QTH"? Time here isMy name isStop sendingMy location is ...#135on openCard global group,rightone put 11 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARD•ç»G “ØQuestion #112B-2-6.4 What is one meaning of the Q signal "QRZ", when it is followed with a question mark? Who is calling me?What is your radio zone?What time zone are you in?Is this frequency in use?#136on openCard global group,rightone put 11 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARD–b»G “êQuestion #112B-2-6.5 What is one meaning of the Q signal "QSL", when is is followed with a question mark? Shall I send you my log?Can you acknowledge receipt (of my message)?Shall I send more slowly?Who is calling me?#137on openCard global group,rightone put 11 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARD„æ»G “õQuestion #112B-3-1.1 What is the format of a standard radiotelephone CQ call? Transmit the phrase "CQ" three times, followed by "this is", followed by your call sign three times.Transmit the phrase "CQ" at least ten times, followed by "this is", followed by your call sign two times.Transmit the phrase "CQ" at least five times, followed by "this is", followed by your call sign once.Transmit the phrase "CQ" at least ten times, followed by "this is", followed by your call sign once.#138on openCard global group,rightone put 11 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard CARD—%»G “TQuestion #112B-3-1.2 How should you answer a radiotelephone CQ call? Transmit the other station's call sign at least ten times, followed by "this is", followed by you callsign at least twiceTransmit the other station's call sign at least five times phonetically, followed by "this is", followed by you callsign at least onceTransmit the other station's call sign at least three times, followed by "this is" followed by your call sign at least five times phoneticallyTransmit the other station's call sign once, followed by "this is", followed by your call sign given phonetically#139on openCard global group,rightone put 11 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard ÀCARD…ûG “Question #1402B-3-2.1 How is the call sign "KA3BGQ" stated in Standard International Phonetics? Kilo Alfa Three Bravo Golf Quebec.King America Three Bravo Golf Quebec.Kilowatt Alfa Three Bravo George Queen.Kilo America Three Baker Golf Quebec.#140on openCard global group,rightone put 11 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard ÀCARD~°»G “Question #112B-3-2.2 How is the call sign "WE5TZD" stated in Standard International Phonetics? Whiskey Echo Foxtrot Tango Zulu DeltaWashington England Five Tokyo Zanzibar DenmarkWhiskey Echo Five Tango Zulu DeltaWhiskey Easy Five Tear Zebra Dog#141on openCard global group,rightone put 11 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard ÀCARDÀ»G “ Question #1422B-3-2.3 How is the call sign "KC4HRM" stated in Standard International Phonetics? Kilo Charlie Four Hotel Romeo MikeKilowatt Charlie Four Hotel Roger MexicoKentucky Canada Four Honolulu Radio MexicoKing Charlie Foxtrot Hotel Roger Mary#142on openCard global group,rightone put 11 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDc»G “ÿQuestion #112B-3-2.4 How is the call sign "AF6PSQ" stated in Standard International Phonetics? America Florida Six Portugal Spain QuebecAdam Frank Six Peter Sugar QueenAlfa Fox Sierra Papa Santiago QueenAlfa Foxtrot Six Papa Sierra Quebec#143on openCard global group,rightone put 11 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard ÀCARD‚Ø»G “Question #112B-3-2.5 How is the call sign "NB8LXG" stated in Standard International Phonetics? November Bravo Eight Lima Xray GolfNancy Baker Eight Love Xray GeorgeNorway Boston Eight London Xray GermanyNovember Bravo Eight London Xray Germany#144on openCard global group,rightone put 11 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard ÀCARDƒì»G “Question #1452B-3-2.6 How is the call sign "KJ1UOI" stated in Standard International Phonetics? King John One Uncle Oboe IdaKilowatt George India Uncle Oscar IndiaKilo Juliette One Uniform Oscar IndiaKentucky Juliette One United Ontario Indiana#145on openCard global group,rightone put 11 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDŠˆ»G “Question #112B-3-2.7 How is the call sign "WV2BPZ" stated in Standard International Phonetics? Whiskey Victor Two Bravo Papa ZuluWillie Victor Two Baker Papa ZebraWhiskey Victor Tango Bravo Papa ZuluWillie Virginia Two Boston Peter Zanzibar#146on openCard global group,rightone put 11 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard ÀCARD‹X»G “Question #1472B-3-2.8 How is the call sign "NY3CTJ" stated in Standard International Phonetics? Norway Yokohama Three California Tokyo JapanNancy Yankee Three Cat Texas JackrabbitNorway Yesterday Three Charlie Texas JulietteNovember Yankee Three Charlie Tango Juliette#147on openCard global group,rightone put 11 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARD˜b»G “Question #1482B-3-2.9 How is the call sign "KG7DRV" stated in Standard International Phonetics? Kilo Golf Seven Denver Radio VenezuelaKilo Golf Seven Delta Romeo VictorKing John Seven Dog Radio VictorKilowatt George Seven Delta Romeo Victor#148on openCard global group,rightone put 11 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard ÀCARD™»G “ Question #1492B-3-2.10 How is the call sign "WX9HKS" stated in Standard International Phonetics? Whiskey Xray Nine Hotel Kilo SierraWillie Xray November Hotel King SierraWashington Xray Nine Honolulu Kentucky SantiagoWhiskey Xray Nine Henry King Sugar#149on openCard global group,rightone put 11 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDšE»G “ýQuestion #1512B-3-2.11 How is the call sign "AE0LQY" stated in Standard International Phonetics? Able Easy Zero Lima Quebec YankeeArizona Equador Zero London Queen YesterdayAlfa Echo Zero Lima Quebec YankeeAble Easy Zero Love Queen Yoke#150on openCard global group,rightone put 11 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARD‰¡»G “¶Question #122B-5-1.1 What is the format of a standard RTTY CQ call? Transmit the phrase "CQ" three times, followed by "DE", followed by your call sign two times.Transmit the phrase "CQ" three to six times, followed by "DE", followed by your call sign three times.Transmit the phrase "CQ" ten times, followed by "DE", followed by your call sign one timeTransmit the phrase "CQ" continuously until someone answers your call#153on openCard global group,rightone put 12 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARD›#»G “ÏQuestion #1522B-4-2.1 You receive an RTTY CQ call at 45 bauds. At what speed should you respond? 22 1/2 bauds45 bauds90 baudsAny speed, since radioteletype systems adjust to any signal rate#152on openCard global group,rightone put 12 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard ÀCARD‘2@»G “Question #1532B-5-1.1 What does the term "connected" mean in a packet-radio link? A telephone link has been established between two amateur stations.An Amateur Radio message has reached a station for local delivery.The transmitting station is sending data specifically addressed to the receiving station, and the receiving station is acknowledging that the data has been received correctly.A transmitting and receiving station are using a certain digipeater, so no other contacts can take place until they are finished.#153on openCard global group,rightone put 12 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard ÀCARD’º@»G “Question #122B-5-1.2 What does the term "monitoring" mean on a frequency used for packet radio? The FCC is copying all messages, to determine their content.A member of the amateur Auxiliary to the FCC's Field Operations Bureau is copying all messages to determine their content.The receiving station's video monitor is displaying all messages intended for that station.The receiving station is displaying information that may not be addressed to that station, and is not acknowledging correct receipt of the data.#154on openCard global group,rightone put 12 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard @CARD“©@»G “‰Question #1552B-5-2.1 What is a digipeater? A packet-radio station used to retransmit data specifically addressed to be retransmitted by that station.An Amateur Radio repeater designed to retransmit all audio signals in a digital form.An Amateur Radio repeater designed using only digital electronics components.A packet-radio station that retransmits any signals it receives.#155on openCard global group,rightone put 12 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARD”@»G “ÂQuestion #122B-5-2.2 What is the meaning of the term "network" in packet radio? A system of telephone lines interconnecting packet-radio stations to transfer data.A method of interconnecting packet-radio stations so that data can be transferred over long distances.The interlaced wiring on a terminal-node controller board.The terminal-node controller function that automatically rejects another caller when the station is connected.#156on openCard global group,rightone put 12 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard CARD˜7@»G “[Question #1572B-6-1.1 What is a good way to establish a contact on a repeater? Give the call sign of the station you want to contact three times.Call the other operator by name, then give your call sign three times. Say, "Breaker breaker," and then give your call sign.Call the desired station and then identify your own station.#157on openCard global group,rightone put 12 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARD™$@»G “yQuestion #122B-6-2.1 What is the main purpose of a repeater? To provide a station that makes local information available 24 hours a day. To provide a means of linking Amateur Radio stations with the telephone system. To retransmit NOAA weather information during severe storm warnings.Repeaters extend the operating range of portable and mobile stations. #158on openCard global group,rightone put 12 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDš¬@»G “ùQuestion #122B-6-3.1 What does it mean to say that a repeater has an "input" and an "output" frequency? One frequency is used to control repeater functions and the other frequency is the one used to retransmit received signals.Repeaters require an access code to be transmitted on one frequency while your voice is transmitted on the other. The repeater receives on one frequency and transmits on another.All repeaters offer a choice of two operating frequencies, in case one is busy. #159on openCard global group,rightone put 12 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard CARD›’@»G “LQuestion #122B-6-4.1 When should simplex operation be used instead of a repeater? Whenever greater communications reliability is needed. Whenever you need someone to make an emergency telephone call.Whenever you are traveling and need some local information.Whenever a contact is possible without using a repeater.#160on openCard global group,rightone put 12 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARDœ@»G “ÐQuestion #1612B-6-5.1 What is an "autopatch"? A repeater feature that automatically selects the strongest received signal to be repeated.An automatic system of connecting a mobile station to the next repeater as it moves out of range of the first.A device that allows repeater users to make telephone calls from their portable or mobile stations.A system that automatically locks other stations out of the repeater when there is a QSO in progress.#161on openCard global group,rightone put 12 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDœ6»G “‚Question #122B-6-5.2 What is the purpose of a repeater "time-out timer"? It allows the repeater to have a rest period after heavy useIt logs repeater transmit time to determine when the repeater mean time between failure rating is exceededIt limits repeater transmission time to no more than ten minutesIt limits repeater transmission time to no more than three minutes#162on openCard global group,rightone put 12 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard ÀCARDˆ »G “ Question #132C-1.1 What type of radio-wave propagation occurs when the signal travels in a straight line from the transmitting antenna to the receiving antenna? Line-of-sight propagationStraight-line propagationKnife-edge diffractionTunnel propagation#163on openCard global group,rightone put 13 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard CARDŒ}»G “EQuestion #1642C-1.2 What path do radio waves usually follow from a transmitting antenna to a receiving antenna at VHF and higher frequencies? A bent path through the ionosphereA straight lineA giant circle path over either the north or south poleA circular path going either east or west from the transmitter#164on openCard global group,rightone put 13 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARD¤ »G “ÙQuestion #1652C-2.1 What type of propagation involves radio signals that travel along the surface of the Earth? Sky-wave propagation.Knife-edge diffraction.E-layer propagation.Ground-wave propagation.#165on openCard global group,rightone put 13 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard àCARD¥»G “5Question #132C-2.2 What is the meaning of the term "ground wave propagation"? Signals that travel along seismic fault lines.Signals that travel along the surface of the earth.Signals that are radiated from a ground-plane antenna.Signals that are radiated from a ground station to a satellite.#166on openCard global group,rightone put 13 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard ÀCARDÈ­ “Question #132C-2.3 Two Amateur Radio stations a few miles apart and separated by a low hill blocking their line-of-sight path are communicationg on 3.725 MHz. What type of propagaion is proabably being used? Tropospheric ductingGround waveMeteor scatterSporadic E#167on openCard global group,rightone put 13 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARD§±È­ “ÁQuestion #132C-2.4 When compared to skip propagation, what is the usual effective range of ground wave propagation? Much smaller.Much greater.The same.Dependent of the weather.#168on openCard global group,rightone put 13 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARDž²È­ “ªQuestion #132C-3.1 What type of propagation uses radio signals refracted back to earth by the ionosphere? Skip.Earth-moon-earth.Ground wave.Tropospheric.#169on openCard global group,rightone put 13 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARD;È­ “òQuestion #132C-3.2 What is the meaning of the term "sky-wave propagation"? Signals reflected from the moonSignals refracted by the ionosphereSignals refracted by water-dense cloud formationsSignals retransmitted by a repeater#170on openCard global group,rightone put 13 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARD¢UÈ­ “íQuestion #132C-3.3 What does the term "skip" mean? Signals are reflected from the moon.Signals are refracted by water-dense cloud formations.Signals are retransmitted by repeaters.Signals are refracted by the ionosphere.#171on openCard global group,rightone put 13 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARD œÈ­ “ÐQuestion #1722C-3.4 What is the area of weak signals between the ranges of ground waves and the first-hop called? The skip zone.The hysteresis zone.The monitor zone.The transequatorial zone.#172on openCard global group,rightone put 13 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard CARD¡(È­ “WQuestion #132C-3.5 What is the meaning of the term "skip zone"? An area covered by skip propagation.The area where a satellite comes close to the earth, and skips off the ionosphere.An area that is too far for ground-wave propagation, but too close for skip propagation.The area in the atmosphere that causes skip propagation.#173on openCard global group,rightone put 13 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARD£LÈ­ “ðQuestion #1742C-3.6 What type of radio wave propagation makes it possible for amateur stations to communicate long distances? Direct-inductive propagation.Knife-edge diffraction.Ground-wave propagation.Sky-wave propagation.#174on openCard global group,rightone put 13 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDBIÈ­ “jQuestion #132C-4.1 How long is an average "sunspot cycle"? 2 years5 years11 years17 years#175on openCard global group,rightone put 13 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARDc„È­ “ÕQuestion #1762C-4.2 What is the term used to describe the long-term variation in the number of visible sunspots? The 11-year cycleThe Solar magnetic flux cycleThe hysteresis cycleThe sunspot cycle#176on openCard global group,rightone put 13 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARD†žÈ­ “mQuestion #132C-5.1 What affect does the number of sunspots have on the maximum usable frequency (MUF)? The more sunspots there are, the higher the MUF will beThe more sunspots there are, the lower the MUF will beThe MUF is equal to the square of the number of sunspotsThe number of sunspots effects the lowest usable frequency (LUF) but not the MUF#177on openCard global group,rightone put 13 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARD‡ÈÈ­ “¶Question #132C-5.2 What affect does the number of sunspots have on the ionization level in the atmosphere? The more sunspots there are, the lower the ionization level will beThe more sunspots there are, the higher the ionization level will beThe ionization level of the ionosphere is equal to the square root of the number of sunspotsThe ionization level of the ionosphere is equal to the square of the number of sunspots#178on openCard global group,rightone put 13 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARD¨BÈ­ “¥Question #132C-6.1 Why can a VHF or UHF radio signal that is transmitted toward a mountain often be received at some distant point in a differenct direction? You can never tell what direction a radio wave is travelling in.These radio signals are easily bent by the ionosphere.These radio signals are sometimes scattered in the ectosphere.These radio signals are easily reflected by objects in their path.#179on openCard global group,rightone put 13 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard @CARD©È­ “Question #132C-6.2 Why can the direction that a VHF or UHF radio signal is traveling be changed if there is a tall building in the way? You can never tell what direction a radio wave is travelling in.These radio signals are easily bent by the ionosphere.These radio signals are sometimes scattered in the ectosphere.These radio signals are easily reflected by objects in their path.#180on openCard global group,rightone put 13 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard CARD¯Q@È­ “LQuestion #142D-1.1 How can an amateur station be protected against being operated by unauthorized persons? Install a carrier-operated relay in the main power line.Install a key-operated "ON/OFF" switch in the main power line.Post a "Danger--High Voltage" in the station.Install ac line fuses in the main power line.#181on openCard global group,rightone put 14 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard @CARDbïÈ­ “£Question #142D-1.2 What is the purpose of a key-operated "ON/OFF" switch in the main power line? To prevent the use of your station by unauthorized personsTo provide an easy method for the FCC to put your station off the airTo prevent the power company from inadvertently turning off your electricity during an emergencyAs a safety feature, to kill all power to the station in the event of an emergency#182on openCard global group,rightone put 14 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard àCARD°3@È­ “6Question #142D-2.1 Why should all antenna and rotor cables be grounded when an amateur station is not in use? To lock the antenna system in one position.To avoid radio frequency interference.To save electricity.To protect the station and building from damage due to nearby lightning strike. #183on openCard global group,rightone put 14 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard ÀCARD±"@È­ “!Question #142D-2.2 How can an antenna system be protected from damage caused by a nearby lightning strike? Install a balun at the antenna feed point.Install an RF choke in the feed line.Ground all antennas when they are not in use.Install a line fuse in the antenna wire.#184on openCard global group,rightone put 14 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard CARD²F@È­ “_Question #142D-2.3 How can amateur station equipment be protected from damage due to lightning striking the electrical wiring in the building? Use heavy insulation on the wiring.Keep the equipment on constantly.Disconnect the ground system.Disconnect all equipment after use, either by unplugging or by using a main disconnect switch.#185on openCard global group,rightone put 14 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARD´+@È­ “øQuestion #1862D-2.4 For proper protection from lightning strikes, what pieces of equipment should be grounded in an amateur station? The power supply primary.All station equipment.The feed line center conductors.The ac power mains.#186on openCard global group,rightone put 14 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARDµØ@È­ “³Question #142D-3.1 What is a convenient indoor grounding point for an amateur station? A metallic cold water pipe.PVC plumbing.A window screen.A natural gas pipe.#187on openCard global group,rightone put 14 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARD¶@È­ “ùQuestion #142D-3.2 To protect against electrical shock hazards, to what should the chassis of each piece of equipment in an amateur station be connected? Insulated shock mounts.The antenna.A good ground connection.A circuit breaker.#188on openCard global group,rightone put 14 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARDŸ]È­ “²Question #142D-3.3 What type of material should a driven ground rod be made of? Ceramic or other good insulatorCopper or copper-clad steelIron or steelFiberglass#189on openCard global group,rightone put 14 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard @CARD¦TÈ­ “ Question #142D-3.4 What is the shortest ground rod you should consider installing for your amateur station RF ground? 4 foot6 foot8 foot10 foot#190on openCard global group,rightone put 14 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDÎ È­ “Question #152D-4.1 What precautions should you take when working with 1270-MHz waveguide? Make sure that the RF leakage filters are installed at both ends of the waveguide.Never look into the open end of a waveguide when RF is applied.Minimize the standing-wave ratio before you test the waveguide.Never have both ends of the waveguide open at once when RF is applied.#191on openCard global group,rightone put 15 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard @CARDÏþÈ­ “ˆQuestion #152D-4.2 What precautions should you take when you mount a UHF antenna in a permanent location? Make sure that no one can be near the antenna when you are transmitting.Make sure that the RF shield screens are in place.Make sure that the antenna is near the ground to maximize directional effect.Make sure you connect an RF leakage filter at the antenna feed point.#192on openCard global group,rightone put 15 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard CARDÐþÈ­ “LQuestion #152D-4.3 What precautions should you take before removing the shielding on a UHF power amplifier? Make sure all RF screens are in place at the antenna.Make sure the feed line is properly grounded.Make sure the amplifier cannot be accidentally energized.Make sure that the RF leakage filters are connected.#193on openCard global group,rightone put 15 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard àCARDÑþÈ­ “BQuestion #1942D-4.4 Why should you use only good-quality, well-constructed coaxial cable and connectors for a UHF antenna system? To minimize RF leakage.To reduce parasitic oscillations.To maximize the directional characteristics of your antenna.To maximize the standing-wave ratio of the antenna system.#194on openCard global group,rightone put 15 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDÒ‹È­ “nQuestion #152D-4.5 Why should you be careful to position the antenna of your 220-MHz hand-held transceiver away from your head when you are transmitting? To take advantage of the directional effect.To minimize RF exposure.To use you body to reflect the signal, improving the directional characteristics of the antenna.To minimize static discharges.#195on openCard global group,rightone put 15 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDªvÈ­ “‚Question #152D-4.6 Which of the following types of radiation produce health risks most like the risks produced by radio frequency radiation? Microwave oven radiation and ultraviolet radiationMicrowave oven radiation and radiation from an electric space heaterRadiation from Uranium or Radium and ultraviolet radiationSunlight and radiation from an electric space heater#196on openCard global group,rightone put 15 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard CARD« È­ “SQuestion #1972D-5.1 Why is there a switch that turns off the power to a high-voltage power supply if the cabinet is opened? To prevent RF from escaping from the supplyTo prevent RF from entering the supply through the open cabinetTo provide a way to turn the power supply on and offTo reduce the danger of electrical shock#197on openCard global group,rightone put 15 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARD¬nÈ­ “âQuestion #1982D-5.2 What purpose does a safety interlock on an amateur transmitter serve? It reduces the danger that the operator will come in contact with dangerous high voltages when the cabinet is opened while the power is onIt prevents the transmitter from being turned on accidentallyIt prevents RF energy from leaking out of the transmitter cabinetIt provides a way for the station licensee to ensure that only authorized operators can turn the transmitter on#198on openCard global group,rightone put 15 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARD·MÈ­ “ÛQuestion #1992D-6.1 What type of safety equipment should you wear when you are working at the top of an antenna tower? A grounding chain.A reflective vest.Loose clothingA carefully inspected safety belt#199on openCard global group,rightone put 145 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARD­GÈ­ “pQuestion #152D-6.2 Why should you wear a safety belt when you are working at the top of an antenna tower? To provide a way to safely hold your tools so they don't fall and injure someone on the groundTo maintain a balanced load on the tower while you are workingTo provide a way to safely bring tools up and down the towerTo prevent an accidental fall#200on openCard global group,rightone put 15 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARD¸wÈ­ “þQuestion #152D-6.3 For safety purposes, how high should all portions of a horizontal wire antenna be located? High enough so that a person cannot touch them from the ground.Higher than chest level.Above knee level.Above electrical lines.#201on openCard global group,rightone put 15 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARD¹÷È­ “ÓQuestion #2032D-6.4 What type of safety equipment should you wear when you are assisting someone who is working on an antenna tower? A reflective vest.A safety belt.A grounding chain.A hard hat.#204on openCard global group,rightone put 15 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard CARD®´È­ “]Question #152D-6.5 Why should you wear a hard hat when you are on the ground assisting someone who is working on an antenna twoer? To avoid injury from tools dropped from the towerTo provide an RF shield during antenna testingTo avoid injury if the tower should accidentally collapseTo avoid injury from walking into tower guy wires#203on openCard global group,rightone put 15 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard @CARDÇÈ­ “£Question #2052D-7-1.1 What accessory is often used to measure voltage standing wave ratio? An ohm meter.An ammeter.An SWR bridge.A current bridge.#204on openCard global group,rightone put 16 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARDe!È­ “¶Question #162D-7.1.2 What instrument is used to indicate the relative impedance match between a transmitter and antenna? An antennaAn ohmmeterA voltmeterAn SWR meter#205on openCard global group,rightone put 16 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard àCARDhÓÈ­ “2Question #162D-7-2.1 What does an SWR-meter reading of 1:1 indicate? An antenna designed for used on another frequency band is probably connectedAn optimum impedance match has been attained No power is being transferred to the antennaAn SWR meter never indicates 1:1 unless it is defective#206on openCard global group,rightone put 16 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARDiùÈ­ “ÌQuestion #162D-7-2.2 What does an SWR-meter reading of less than 1.5:1 indicate? An unacceptably low readingAn unacceptably high readingAn acceptable impedance matchAn antenna gain of 1.5#207on openCard global group,rightone put 16 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDjøÈ­ “ÿQuestion #162D-7-2.3 What does an SWR-meter reading of 4:1 indicate? An unacceptably low readingAn acceptable impedance matchAn antenna gain of 4An impedance mismatch, which is not acceptable; it indicates problems with the antenna system#208on openCard global group,rightone put 16 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard ÀCARDmqÉ “ Question #162D-7-2.4 What does an SWR-meter reading of 5:1 indicate? The antenna will make a 10-watt signal as strong as a 50-watt signalMaximum power is being delivered to the antennaAn unacceptable mismatch is indicatedA very desirable impedance match has been attained#209on openCard global group,rightone put 16 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARDÌäÉ “ßQuestion #162D-7-3.1 What kind of SWR-meter reading may indicate poor electrical contact between parts of an antenna system? An erratic reading.An unusually low reading.No reading at all.A negative reading.#210on openCard global group,rightone put 16 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard àCARDnÿÉ “-Question #162D-7-3.2 What does an unusually high SWR-meter reading indicate? That the antenna is not the correct length, or that there is an open or shorted connection somewhere in the feed lineThat the signals arriving at the antenna are unusually strong, indicating good radio conditionsThat the transmitter is producing more power than normal, proably indicating that the final amplifier tubes or transistors are about to go badThat there is an unusually large amount of solar white-noise radiation, indicating very poor radio conditions#211on openCard global group,rightone put 16 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARD{—É “¤Question #162D-7-3.3 The SWR-meter reading at the low-frequency end of an amateur band is 2.5:1, and the SWR-meter reading at the high-frequency end of the same band is 5:1. What does this indicate about your antenna? The antenna is broadbandedThe antenna is too long for operation on this bandThe antenna is too short for operation on this bandThe antenna has been optimized for operation on this band#212on openCard global group,rightone put 16 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARD[É “§Question #162D-7-3.4 The SWR-meter reading at the low-frequency end of an amateur band is 5:1, and the SWR-meter reading at the high-frequency end of the same band is 2.5:1. What does this indicate about your antenna? The antenna is is broadbandedThe antenna is too long for operation on this bandThe antenna is too short for operation on this bandThe antenna has been optimized for operation on this band#213on openCard global group,rightone put 16 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard àCARD ³É “$Question #172D-8-1.1 What is meant by "receiver overload"? Interference caused by transmitter harmonicsInterference caused by overcrowded band conditionsInterference caused by strong signals from a nearby transmitterInterference caused by turning the receiver volume too high#214on openCard global group,rightone put 17 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDºþÉ “Question #2152D-8-1.2 What is a likely indication that radio frequency interference to a receiver is caused by front-end overload? A low pass filter at the transmitter reduces interference sharply.The interference is independent of frequency.A high pass filter at the receiver reduces interference little or not at all.Grounding the receiver makes the problem worse.#215on openCard global group,rightone put 17 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARD¡OÉ “{Question #172D-8-1.3 Your neighbor reports interference to his television whenever you are transmitting from your amateur station. This interference occurs regardless of your transmitter frequency. What is likely to be the cause of the interference? Inadequate transmitter harmonic suppressionReceiver VR tuve dischargeReceiver overloadIncorrect antenna length#216on openCard global group,rightone put 17 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARD¼ôÉ “×Question #172D-8-1.4 What type of filter should be installed on a TV receiver tuner as the first step in preventing overload from an amateur station transmission? Low pass.High pass.Band pass.Notch.#217on openCard global group,rightone put 17 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard @CARD¾‰É “™Question #2182D-8-2.1 What is meant by "harmonic radiation"? Transmission of signals at whole number multiples of the fundamental (desired) frequency.Transmission of signals that include a super-imposed 60-Hz hum.Transmission of signals caused by sympathetic vibrations from a nearby transmitter.Transmission of signals to produce a stimulated emission in the air to enhance skip propagation.#161on openCard global group,rightone put 17 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARD¿Ï@É “}Question #172D-8-2.2 Why is harmonic radiation by an amateur station undesirable? It will cause interference to other stations and may result in out-of-band signal radiation.It uses large amounts of electric power.It will cause sympathetic vibrations in nearby transmitters.It will produce stimulated emission in the air above the transmitter, thus causing aurora.#219on openCard global group,rightone put 17 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARDÀÍ@É “ßQuestion #172D-8-2.3 What type of interference may radiate from a multi-band antenna connected to an improperly tuned transmitter? Harmonic radiation.Auroral distortion.Parasitic excitation.Intermodulation.#220on openCard global group,rightone put 17 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard CARDÁñ@É “EQuestion #172D-8-2.4 What is the purpose of shielding in a transmitter? It gives the low pass filter structural stability.It enhances the microphonic tendencies of radiotelephone transmitters.It prevents unwanted RF radiation.It helps maintain a sufficiently high operating temperature in circuit components.#221on openCard global group,rightone put 17 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARD¢BÉ “ËQuestion #2222D-8-2.5 Your neighbor reports interference on one or two channels of her television when you are transmitting from your amateur station. This interference only occurs when you are operating on 15 meters. What is likely to be the cause of the interference? Excessive low-pass filtering on the interferenceSporadic E de-ionization near your neighbor's TV antennaTV Receiver front-end overloadHarmonic radiation from your antenna#222on openCard global group,rightone put 17 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARDÃTÉ “×Question #2232D-8-2.6 What type of filter should be installed on an amateur transmitter as the first step in reducing harmonic radiation? Key click filter.Low pass filter.High pass filter.CW filter.#223on openCard global group,rightone put 17 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard àCARD»åÉ “?Question #172D-8-3.1 If you are notified that your amateur station is causing television interference, what should you do first? Make sure that your amateur equipment is operating properly, and that it does not cause interference to your own televisionImmediately turn off your transmitter and contact the nearest FCC office for assistance Install a high-pass filter at the transmitter output and a low-pass filter at the antenna-input terminals of the TVContinue operating normally, since you have no legal obligation to reduce or eliminate the interference#224on openCard global group,rightone put 17 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARD½ÅÉ “xQuestion #172D-8-3.2 Your neighbor informs you that you are causing television interference, but you are sure your amateur equipment is operating properly and you cause no interference to your own TV. What should you do? Immediately turn off your transmitter and contact the nearest FCC office for assistanceWork with your neighbor to determine that you are actually the cause of the interferenceInstall a high-pass filter at the transmitter output and a low-pass filter at the antenna input terminals of the TVContinue operating normally, since you have no legal obligation to reduce or eliminate the interference#225on openCard global group,rightone put 17 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARDÄÉ “áQuestion #182E-1-1.1 Your receiver dial is calibrated in megahertz and shows a signal at 1200 MHz. At what frequency would a dial calibrated in gigahertz show the signal? 1,200,000 GHz12 GHz1.2 GHz0.0012 GHz#226on openCard global group,rightone put 18 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDÂÿÉ “éQuestion #2272E-1-2.1 Your receiver dial is calibrated in kilohertz and shows a signal at 7125 kHz. At what frequency would a dial calibrated in megahertz show the signal? 0.007125 MHz7.125 MHz71.25 MHz7,125,000 MHz#227on openCard global group,rightone put 18 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARDù+É “ØQuestion #182E-1-2.2 Your receiver dial is calibrated in gigahertz and shows a signal at 1.2 GHz. At what frequency would a dial calibrated in megahertz show the signal? 1.2 MHz12 MHz120 MHz1200 MHz#228on openCard global group,rightone put 18 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDÅkÉ “æQuestion #182E-3.1 Your receiver dial is calibrated in megahertz and shows a signal at 3.525 MHz. At what frequency would a dial calibrated in kilohertz show the signal? 0.003525 kHz3525 kHz35.25 kHz3,525,000 kHz#229on openCard global group,rightone put 18 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARDÆÉ “ÝQuestion #182E-1-3.2 Your receiver dial is calibrated in kilohertz and shows a signal at 3725 kHz. At what frequency would a dial calibrated in Hertz show the signal? 3,725 Hz3.725 Hz37.25 Hz3,725,000 Hz#230on openCard global group,rightone put 18 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard @CARDÈÊÉ “’Question #182E-1-4.1 How long (in meters) is an antenna that is 400 centimeters long? 0.0004 meters4 meters40 meters40,000 meters#231on openCard global group,rightone put 18 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARDÉÉ “ÕQuestion #182E-1-5.1 What reading will be displayed on a meter calibrated in amperes when it is being used to measure a 3000-milliampere current? 0.003 amperes0.3 amperes3 amperes3,000,000 amperes#232on openCard global group,rightone put 18 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARDÊâÉ “ÅQuestion #182E-1-5.2 What reading will be displayed on a meter calibrated in volts when it is being used to measure a 3500-millivolt potential? 350 volts35 volts3.5 volts0.35 volts#233on openCard global group,rightone put 18 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDËÜÉ “Question #182E-1-6.1 How many farads is 500,000 microfarads? 0.0005 farads0.5 farads500 farads500,000,000 farads#234on openCard global group,rightone put 18 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard @CARDͱÉ “šQuestion #182E-1-7.1 How many microfarads is 1,000,000 picofarads? 0.001 microfarads1 microfarad1,000 microfarads1,00,000,000 microfarads#235on openCard global group,rightone put 18 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard @CARD “šQuestion #2362E-2-1.1 What is the term used to describe the flow of electrons in an electric circuit? VoltageResistanceCapacitanceCurrent#236on openCard global group,rightone put 19 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDÔhÉ “oQuestion #192E-2-2.1 What is basic unit of electric current? The voltThe wattThe ampereThe ohm#237on openCard global group,rightone put 19 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDÕ^É “îQuestion #192E-3-1.1 What supplies the force that will cause electrons to flow through a circuit? Electromotive force, or voltageMagnetomotive force, or inductanceFarad force, or capacitanceThermodynamic force, or entropy#238on openCard global group,rightone put 19 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard @CARDÛÆÉ “¡Question #182E-3-1.2 The pressure in a water pipe is comparable to what force in an electrical circuit? Current.Resistive.Gravitational.Voltage.#239on openCard global group,rightone put 18 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard ÀCARDÖðÉ “Question #192E-3-1.3 An electric circuit must connect to two terminals of a voltage source. What are these two terminals called? The north and south polesThe positive and neutral terminalsThe positive and negative terminalsThe entrance and exit terminals#240on openCard global group,rightone put 19 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARD×zÉ “kQuestion #192E-3-2.1 What is the basic unit of voltage? The volt The wattThe ampereThe ohm#241on openCard global group,rightone put 19 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARDà´É “ªQuestion #2422E-4.1 List at least three good electrical conductors. Copper, gold, mica.Gold, silver, wood.Gold, silver, aluminum.Copper, aluminum, paper.#242on openCard global group,rightone put 19 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARDß±É “ÕQuestion #192E-5.1 List at least four good electrical insulating materials. Glass, air, plastic, porcelain.Glass, wood, copper, porcelain.Paper, glass, air, aluminum.Plastic, rubber, wood, carbon.#243on openCard global group,rightone put 19 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARDعÉ “½Question #192E-6-1.1 There is a limit to the electric current that can pass through any material. What is this current limiting called? FusingReactanceSaturationResistance#244on openCard global group,rightone put 19 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard @CARDÚèÉ “¢Question #192E-6-1.2 What is an electrical component called that opposes electron movement through a circuit? A resistorA reactorA fuseAn oersted#245on openCard global group,rightone put 19 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARD£®É “mQuestion #192E-6-2.1 What is the basic unit of resistance? The voltThe wattThe ampereThe ohm#246on openCard global group,rightone put 19 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARD¤6É “­Question #202E-7.1 What electrical principle relates voltage, current and resistance in an electric circuit? Ampere's LawKirchhoff's LawOhm's LawTesla's Law#247on openCard global group,rightone put 20 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard @CARD¥ É “šQuestion #202E-7.2 There is a 2-amp current through a 50-ohm resistor. What is the applied voltage? 0.04 volts52 volts100 volts200 volts#248on openCard global group,rightone put 20 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard @CARD¦6É “Question #2492E-7.3 If 200 volts is applied to a 100-ohm resistor, what is the current through the resistor? 0.5 amps2 amps50 amps20000 amps#249on openCard global group,rightone put 20 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARD§É “ÆQuestion #202E-7.4 There is a 3-amp current through a resistor and we know that the applied voltage is 90 volts. What is the value of the resistor? 0.03 ohms10 ohms30 ohms2700 ohms#250on openCard global group,rightone put 20 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARD¨OÊß “xQuestion #202E-8.1 What is the term used to describe the ability to do work? VoltagePowerIniertiaEnergy#251on openCard global group,rightone put 20 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARD©‡Êß “©Question #2522E-8.2 What is converted to heat and light in an electric light bulb? Electrical energyElectrical voltageElectrical powerElectrical current#252on openCard global group,rightone put 20 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDªÊß “}Question #202E-9-1.1 What term is used to describe the rate of energy consumption? EnergyCurrentPowerVoltage#253on openCard global group,rightone put 20 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARD«ÎÊß “§Question #202E-9-1.2 You have two lamps with different wattage light bulbs in them. How can you determine which bulb uses electrical energy faster? The bulb that operates from the higher voltage will consume energy fasterThe physically larger bulb will consume energy fasterThe bulb with the higher wattage rating will consume energy fasterThe bulb with the lower wattage rating will consume energy faster#254on openCard global group,rightone put 20 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard CARDñ Êß “aQuestion #202E-9-2.1 What is the unit of electrical power? Ohm.Watt.Volt.Ampere.#255on openCard global group,rightone put 20 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARDã¼Êß “¸Question #202E-10.1 What is the term for an electrical circuit in which there can be no current flow? A closed circuit.A short circuit.An open circuit.A hyper circuit.#256on openCard global group,rightone put 20 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARDâ/Êß “ºQuestion #202E-11.1 What is the term for a failure in an electrical circuit that causes excessively high current? Open circuit.Dead circuit.Closed circuit.Short circuit.#263on openCard global group,rightone put 20 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARD¬Êß “·Question #212E-12-1.1 What is the term used to describe a current that flows only in one direction? Alternating currentDirect currentPeriodic currentPulsating current#258on openCard global group,rightone put 21 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDÝÊß “çQuestion #212E-12-2.1 What is the term used to describe a current that flows first in one direction, then in the oposite direction, over and over? Alternating currentDirect currentNegative current.Positive current.#259on openCard global group,rightone put 21 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARD35Êß “ÊQuestion #212E-12-3.1 What is the term for the number of complete cycles of an alternating waveform that occur in one second? Pulse repetition rateHertzFrequency per wavelengthFrequency#260on openCard global group,rightone put 21 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard ÀCARDCÊß “Question #212E-12-3.2 A certain ac signal makes 2000 complete cycles in one second. What property of the signal does this number describe? The frequency of the signal The pulse repetition rate of the signalThe wavelength of the signalThe hertz per second of the signal#261on openCard global group,rightone put 21 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARD§Êß “xQuestion #212E-12-3.3 What is the basic unit of frequency? The hertzThe cycleThe kilohertzThe megahertz#262on openCard global group,rightone put 21 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARD•ÊÊß “§Question #2632E-12-4.2 What range of frequencies are usually called "audio frequencies"? 0 to 20 Hz20 to 20,000 Hz200 to 200,000 Hz10,000 to 30,000 Hz#263on openCard global group,rightone put 21 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard @CARD– Êß “žQuestion #2642E-12-4.2 A signal at 725 Hz is in what frequency range? Audio frequencyIntermediate frequencyMicrowave frequencyRadio frequency#264on openCard global group,rightone put 21 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard @CARD—õÊß “Question #2652E-12-4.2 Why do we call signals in the range 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz "audio frequencies"? Because the human ear rejects signals in this frequency rangeBecause the human ear responds to sounds in this frequency rangeBecause frequencies in this range are too low for a radio to detectBecause a radio converts signals in this range directly to sounds the human ear responds to#265on openCard global group,rightone put 21 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard @CARDÊß “’Question #212E-12-5.1 Signals above what frequency are usually called "radio-frequency" signals? 20 Hz200 Hz20,000 Hz1,000,000 Hz#266on openCard global group,rightone put 21 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard @CARDîÊß “žQuestion #2672E-12-5.2 A signal at 7125 kHz is in what frequency range? Audio frequency.Radio frequency.Hyper-frequency.Super-high frequency.#267on openCard global group,rightone put 21 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARDÙÊß “±Question #212E-13.1 What is the term for the distance an ac signal travels during one complete cycle? Wave velocityVelocity factorWavelengthWavelength per meter#268on openCard global group,rightone put 21 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard ÀCARDl”Êß “Question #212E-13.2 In the time it takes a certain radio signal to pass your antenna, the leading edge of the wave travels 12 meters. What property of the signal does this number refer to? The signal frequencyThe wave velocityThe velocity factorThe signal wavelength#269on openCard global group,rightone put 21 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard CARDCááÊß “_Question #222F-1.1 What is the symbol used on schematic diagrams to represent a resistor?#270on openCard global group,rightone put 22 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `BMAPááV–8n 505ð5ð5ð5?ð5ðŒ€†‰5?ð5ð5ð5ð0»D@D   Dd ‚ ƒàcÀD@DE(€(E´@x‡&€à&€55…55 …5 5@¢…cÿøø5€…5€%…% % …%@%@…%8%è½DàðxT„xT †„T †Š„D p‰(üpHfp CARDÞ4ëšÊß “yQuestion #222F-1.2 What is the symbol used on schematic diagrams to represent a variable resistor or potentiometer?#271on openCard global group,rightone put 22 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard BMAPëšV‰6$o¨(À…(À(€g'‚7 ü70ü7ÀüFø(p(à DD€`4à4ð4ü4þ4ÿ„4ÿÄ4ÿôŒ†‰4ÿÄ4ÿ„4þ4ü4ð4à4€4±þ…|¼' DƒÁàTD#‘àTl6T( Š6(D08| ‰T ˆŠCÀ€‰"ð0À¶$À…$€$@$0D@ @D   sðc> â T@T@T€,€D€`¸~Š%‰6>6A\6AŒ&!&!&!`&€Œ ‰1Ñ%!% !%!%`A4€A4% V˜ˆ8­pˆ8­CARDÜŽìaÊß “[Question #222F-1.3 In the diagram, which component is a resistor? 1234#272on openCard global group,rightone put 22 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard BMAPìaVwù±¼-À & 0 @ €   &à ᤀáá á0áÀááF?ÿÿÀF$@ŠDxxáDà´áŒCÀÄD@‹ HŠ HáD€´á‰K?ÿÿÀá¿…£…ááá€á@†ááááá†áŠáS€‰á2á#€á#@áC€€á"€Šá3‰á2áá†áááá€@@À€‹'@Š+  ‰@@áᧅ£…¤…Œ ‰ ¥… …;@ …,ð @ @  CARDäíÁÊß “xQuestion #2732F-2.1 What is the symbol used on schematic diagrams to represent a single-pole, single-throw switch?#273on openCard global group,rightone put 22 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  BMAPíÁV•6,eX`%€ ÀCìS0€S€…S0€Càµ%€€4`€4p€4|€4~€4€€4À€4ð€4ø€4þ€S?ÿÿÿ€†4ø€4ð€4À€4€€4~€4|€4p€4`€€ð¯%À%`% …%`%Ð`%€`$€ 0CÀðC3˜Š…‰ð¸6ÿà@¥…%þ%ü%ø%ð"àà"0@Rÿÿø""0"à¢@à%ð%ø%ü%þ@¦…6ÿø @ÿ  CARDååï¹Êß “wQuestion #222F-2.2 What is the symbol used on schematic diagrams to represent a single-pole, double-throw switch?#274on openCard global group,rightone put 22 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `BMAPï¹V‘3d$%à%0%…%0%è0À 0ÀC`xC€ÌŠ H… H‰xº"À"`R?ÿÿð" "`"À¢€%À%à%ð%ø%ü€¦…6ÿÿð­@%€`€ C°<C ÀfC@B…C ÀfC€<º $` $$$ `$ 4pÀ4ø0Sü àSþ0cÿ€Sÿ€Š"ð" ‰&àÿÿÿ CARDæðòÊß “wQuestion #222F-2.3 What is the symbol used on schematic diagrams to represent a double-pole, double-throw switch?#275on openCard global group,rightone put 22 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  BMAPðòV“2+aT%À%`% …"`R€ÀRÿÿÿà"€"€ ¤ð$˜$…$˜ð«`$€ 1ÁC{ÀCÌ`C„ …CÌ`CxÀ¢…¢$$$`$€0ÀC{ÀCÌ`C„ …CÌ`CxÀ¯ 3 R!ÿÿÿ€! 3  ¢%?€%À%ÿঅEÿÿ€±5ÿþ¥…%ÿà%À%?€3R!ÿÿÿ€! 3  ¢%?€%À%ÿঅEÿÿ€ û Ðø¹ ÏŽ CARDèÀò‘Êß “tQuestion #222F-2.4 What is the symbol used on schematic diagrams to represent a single-pole 5-position switch?#276on openCard global group,rightone put 22 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard àBMAPò‘V‘5"Lj"ÀÁàðx "`Á0˜Ì3 " Á„! …"`Á0˜Ì3 "ÀÁàðx  Á …s€ …s@ …S2€ 3R€@ …#øÁÿþ?ÿÿø r€@  ŠC€ÀáX`0 4À`áX0 RÀaà0á‰2`Á0ðx " Á˜Ì3 ŠWH B@ á‰"ÀÁà˜Ì3 Wðx ®…>ÿÿþ£>ç9Î  …\ç9Ά¢…\ç9Σ>ÿÿþ>€¢…€ …<€ f€ B€ …f€ <€ € …Š"àT€Ð " ‰T€T€0Tà5€á…5@á…5 á…5þá5þ á5| á5}Àá59àá5;ðá5“àás€`û˜às ÀxÌx0s@~…øŠT?ü‰s À~Íø0s€xxxà5`á³á €á Àá @…á Àá €< f BxBÌf„<„+€Ì+@%?x+@?+@+@n+€„< f"°<B" ÀfB"@Bf"@B<" Àfá €<CARDéóàÊß “UQuestion #222F-2.5 In the diagram, which component is a switch? 1234#277on openCard global group,rightone put 22 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard BMAPóàVwù±¼-À & 0 @ €   &à ᤀáá á0áÀááF?ÿÿÀF$@ŠDxxáDà´áŒCÀÄD@‹ HŠ HáD€´á‰K?ÿÿÀá¿…£…ááá€á@†ááááá†áŠáS€‰á2á#€á#@áC€€á"€Šá3‰á2áá†áááá€@@À€‹'@Š+  ‰@@áᧅ£…¤…Œ ‰ ¥… …;@ …,ð @ @ CARDê ÷Êß “ZQuestion #222F-3.1 What is the symbol used on schematic diagrams to represent a fuse#278on openCard global group,rightone put 22 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  BMAP÷V3.eÌTÿø€DDDD0DÀ4 44©…4 44d4„Š#€pà"€‰44ÿø®|D4D@¤…rÿüDÿø†¤…D|¼4ÿÿÿ4 ¢…Šÿ†¢…‰4ÿÿÿ¹€ª…Œ‰­…ŠTÿÿÿÿà‰@ª…ùùùùùùùùù CARDôøêÊß “kQuestion #2792F-4.1 What is the symbol used on schematic diagrams to represent a single-cell battery?#279on openCard global group,rightone put 22 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard BMAPøêV6`¨& …SÀøD ……$@¤…Dþ€†¥…£…³DÿÀD@ …Sˆ@ø†…D@¥…SøÀ†ª…DÿÀ±…3> # … $¤…3çø†¥… £…²€…"à€€£SÿÿüS@$¢…Š|"ü†¢…‰Sÿÿüh NñUMÁ BÐÐZ´Dh€'hS´Z CARDõ`úËÊß “lQuestion #222F-4.2 What is the symbol used on schematic diagrams to represent a multiple-cell battery?#280on openCard global group,rightone put 22 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `BMAPúËV2 ‰ "?Áÿÿà?ÿ"> Á Š6)€,€ §…‰2?àÁÿü?ÿàÿ†ª…?Áÿÿà?ÿ¯ …C|  3 …$ $$ ¤…Cò'ø †¥…$ £…´S""<S"" S"" S …5"" ¢…5 …5"" Sÿâ" U"" À5 …5"" ¢…5 …5"" …U""?ÿà±@@DðD@…$ $‰ ¤…Cü‰þ †¥…$ £… CARDö% õÊß “xQuestion #232F-5.1 What is the symbol normally used to represent an earth-ground connection on schematic diagrams?#281on openCard global group,rightone put 23 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard BMAP õVƒ:Q¸²…$€$@$@$ $ $ $$$!$!$A$A$$3Š5€´‰@¤…$ÿ$A$ ‚…$A…$‚3…¾3€¤…3~€3€3`3 033…3 ¢…3?ÿü²€¯…#?þ¢#ø¢#à CARDóuÊß “zQuestion #2822F-5.2 What is the symbol normally used to represent a chassis-ground connection on schematic diagrams?#282on openCard global group,rightone put 23 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard BMAPuVƒ9!T´²…$€$@$@$ $ $ $$$!$!$A$A$$3Š5€´‰@¤…$ÿ$A$ ‚…$A…$‚3…¸¯…#ü¢#ð¢#Àº$¤…$ú$D€D0ÀD @D@ …D€¢…DÿÿðÊa¸TËâLŽ CARDû Êß “mQuestion #232F-5.3 In the diagram, which symbol represents a chassis ground connection? 1234#283on openCard global group,rightone put 23 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard àBMAP Vpê!\”3!…3¸…:ü:ˆ:`hI€hI†I IY€à€)0ƒÀ) Œ@Š<#‰)@À2 Š@#..dÿÿÿÿ¿$ ‹@ "Š"*@"Y`xD`*?Y€€Y @Y€€IóI |I0 IÀ‰@5`d@5„@5ü † @€†@ † @€†@ † @€†@ ¥… 0 †Š*þ3߀4ÿÀ#ß5>ð3a€4ð8I@:‰# ‚ÊY€‰#AT €#‚T@p@ŠYð ‰)F )X ) `2|Š #t$€( )(Œ$€ 2‹ )<Š$€(@ #|‰Y\À YCŸÀ Y@€`Y@€@Y?À€Y9€II€:À :02:Â:þ»… `Lÿø . . L?àð …,€`Y@€@Y?À€Y CARD Ú CÊß “lQuestion #232F-5.3 In the diagram, which symbol represents an earth ground connection? 1234#284on openCard global group,rightone put 23 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard àBMAP CVpì!\3!…3¸…:ü:ˆ:`hI€hI†I IY€à€)0ƒÀ) Œ@Š<#‰)@À2 Š@#..dÿÿÿÿ¿$ ‹@ "Š"*@"Y`xD`*?Y€€Y @Y€€IóI |I0 IÀ‰@5`d@5„@5ü † @€†@ † @€†@ † @€†@ ¨…Š(þ‰Q ÿ€4Ä‹3€41þ0Š3a€4ð8I@:‰A ‚ÊY€#a†D‰#‚T@p@ŠYð ‰)F )X ) `2|Š #t$€( )(Œ$€ 2‹ )<Š$€(@ #|‰Y\À YCŸÀ Y@€`Y@€@Y?À€Y9€II€:À :02:Â:þ»… `Lÿø . . L?àð …,€f background button C tCARDV®Êß “_Question #232F-6.1 What is the symbol used to represent an antenna on schematic diagrams?#285on openCard global group,rightone put 23 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  BMAPV®V‘4&PÜ>¢#ÿ€¢2ÿ௅®Bÿÿÿ3€3€ 3@@3 @3 €#3ÿÀ3@@¤…3ÿÀ#ª…©3…3 3@…3 €…#A#ÿ@¯…­3€€@3€€€3@€€#@# # ‚#‚#„#„#ˆ#ˆ### # #À€²…[>‹> CARDümXÑÊß “nQuestion #232F-7.1 What is the symbol used to represent an NPN bipolar transistor on schematic diagrams?#286on openCard global group,rightone put 23 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard àBMAPXÑV†6(ƒœ8D@(@…Fü@FˆDF`h8E€lE†E EU€à€%0ƒÀ% Œ@% °@Rà@À Šð@ …ð 3óÿ¿ 3ÿ¿ …ð@ ‰U ¸€@U ‡?€@U0€ÿÀU€ÿ€EE se€U U€F`dF„Fü(8€…¤  …"à"àS3 À3`0R0ÀÁ`$@Š ÁR àÀ‰Áƒÿÿÿâ!Áÿ‡„"Š3þð$xRãÀ‰TÄTÄT?äT>TŠ*Á*â*à€Bà‰u€ÿÿÿâ!‹$ÀŠ Bà‰E00` À5&à&à£8D(@Fø@F8@FÀÐ@"0D"Ð8E  E E0E!ÀUa€%A€Š"Àx ‰R €@B @BÀ@†B'ÿÿ@ŠSÿ~@"à ‰U€p@UApø€UAü€Uaü€E!þEÿUüäU àU€"8FÀÈF8Fø(¨#À  …S€à"àS3 À3À`0R0áÀÁ` Š À "ð`Œ4@3˜À‰ÁÿƒäŠ3þü‰ÁÄãàT„T„TdTTŠ4à€ñð€ðtÿùÿà‹$ÀŠ ð‰E00` À5&à&à CARDY ZæÊß “nQuestion #232F-7.1 What is the symbol used to represent an PNP bipolar transistor on schematic diagrams?#287on openCard global group,rightone put 23 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard àBMAPZæV†6(ƒœ8D@(@…Fü@FˆDF`h8E€lE†E EU€à€%0ƒÀ% Œ@% °@Rà@À Šð@ …ð 3óÿ¿ 3ÿ¿ …ð@ ‰U ¸€@U ‡?€@U0€ÿÀU€ÿ€EE se€U U€F`dF„Fü(8€…¤  …"à"àS3 À3`0R0ÀÁ`$@Š ÁR àÀ‰Áƒÿÿÿâ!Áÿ‡„"Š3þð$xRãÀ‰TÄTÄT?äT>TŠ*Á*â*à€Bà‰u€ÿÿÿâ!‹$ÀŠ Bà‰E00` À5&à&à£8D(@Fø@F8@FÀÐ@"0D"Ð8E  E E0E!ÀUa€%A€Š"Àx ‰R €@B @BÀ@†B'ÿÿ@ŠSÿ~@"à ‰U€p@UApø€UAü€Uaü€E!þEÿUüäU àU€"8FÀÈF8Fø(¨#À  …S€à"àS3 À3À`0R0áÀÁ` Š À "ð`Œ4@3˜À‰ÁÿƒäŠ3þü‰ÁÄãàT„T„TdTTŠ4à€ñð€ðtÿùÿà‹$ÀŠ ð‰E00` À5&à&àGÃ9Æ CARD[^]HÊß “jQuestion #232F-7.3 In the diagram, which symbol represents a PNP bipolar transistor? 1234#288on openCard global group,rightone put 23 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard àBMAP]HVpõ!\˜3!…3¸…:ü:ˆ:`hI€hI†I IY€à€)0ƒÀ) Œ@Š<#‰)@À2 Š@#..dÿÿÿÿ¿$ ‹@ "Š"*@"Y`xD`*?Y€€Y @Y€€IóI |I0 IÀ‰@5`d@5„@5ü † @€†@ 2222 2@2€"†@ † @€†@ ¨… 5þ3ÿ€4Ä3 €404#A5À ŠI@:‰# ‚ÊY€‰#AT €#‚T@p@ŠYð ‰)F )X ) `2|Š #t$€( )(Œ$€ 2‹ )<Š$€(@ #|‰Y\À YCŸÀ Y@€`Y@€@Y?À€Y9€II€:À :02:Â:þ»… `Lÿø . . L?àð …,€ CARD^n_Êß “kQuestion #232F-7.4 In the diagram, which symbol represents an NPN bipolar transistor? 1234#289on openCard global group,rightone put 23 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard àBMAP_Vpõ!\˜3!…3¸…:ü:ˆ:`hI€hI†I IY€à€)0ƒÀ) Œ@Š<#‰)@À2 Š@#..dÿÿÿÿ¿$ ‹@ "Š"*@"Y`xD`*?Y€€Y @Y€€IóI |I0 IÀ‰@5`d@5„@5ü † @€†@ 2222 2@2€"†@ † @€†@ ¨… 5þ3ÿ€4Ä3 €404#A5À ŠI@:‰# ‚ÊY€‰#AT €#‚T@p@ŠYð ‰)F )X ) `2|Š #t$€( )(Œ$€ 2‹ )<Š$€(@ #|‰Y\À YCŸÀ Y@€`Y@€@Y?À€Y9€II€:À :02:Â:þ»… `Lÿø . . L?àð …,€ CARDEŽlÊß “iQuestion #232F-8.1 What is the symbol used to represent a triode vacuum tube on schematic diagrams?#289on openCard global group,rightone put 23 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €BMAPŽlVvQ·8Kò>ðâKŠ€øáŠ|J<€¼ x`áD œ €Gp €`|+À | "ÀGÀpáD  ‰"@á„J ‚" Š"`á7p ‰" +ø€á"ðá@ "á@ "á@ á@ ¤…,ðá@ ;á@ KÀz‹Ï<óŽx$ü K`0z"Š(¢„QD4àC€ Šà8@Dàð *€z<çžg€<| Zþÿ…zÇcÀ(8 jÿÿƒ€ B à"€‰@yr"óŽDb€ÿÿàÀ0`á   á@á À=sÅÀS9—Þ9€=Š% t9罊s|Ï|=0 d|óœ3€ À =<ÁÌÌÌÌΆ &€á5à2DÌÌÁÌÌÉ€Š”Š%` á'À0 t£`=ø`à9`c| |àá4r%ÀY|3œ ‰á€€Š5ÿÿÁÿý»»»»»¸â†5x¸áJîîîÁîîÿÿÿÿà‹5D¤áS9—Þ9áŠ5áS|Ï|á%<;À<x¸%(á;<&á%` Àd€5 €+<UD¸k| |à)(‰Àá`2H¤Œ`=bÌÌÌÌË2 fä‰  á00`=x¸@=D¤jÿþ€=D¢ Z>x¢Š*.(cÿ€0Z€/b€?ÿàKà8> "@"@‰K‘Àá ‚ ,þáEŒ áE€ð ,@Bá6äC€ ,@Bá6ü€ ,@Bဠá6€ ,@Bá6€ …,@Bဠá6€ Š Á@@8#èœãÀá n|`>qÀ[/ûÞ .pMÙÏÁú'8ð",@@B€ÁØœp" Á@@¨€[Æ".p\Æ*ŠDÀ`‹nxp>iÀÁÆ6Œ*‰áQ/"#ÑÁ‘""(¤€âÁŽ""'8ðâ4€ ¯<â Bâ @â £…@âP÷€Bâ@PD "<@á1@áÀáC8`á‰@ᨅŠREçˆáBóÀáØáRóÀpáBã€áá B|á‰@á«…qÿÿÿÿÿþá@CARDþÿÉÊß “†Question #242G-1-1.2 What is the unlabeled block (?) in this diagram? A microphoneA receiverA transmitterAn SWR meter#292on openCard global group,rightone put 24 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard @BMAPÿÉVl#àè = @ …= € Šá`}ì²= €"làá`Œ8-Àá`Fà T]€8áAቨ …p  °…~ {ÞàAeàn BAen BˆAUŠ/1ŒÀ‰n BˆAMn BAM~ CÞàyEà ±…Œ€ ‰€ «…Š-x -< …< (   -D £…Àá#àWr |ä@eÏ9€ŽØÁ€¨‹UQPs0¢TQP‹#`GóXmàfçxÀŠÀð"€eæ³À‹@'‰ðY ±@\ùð€E†ãLxàW§xá@‰€ µ…Œ€ ‰á¯…qÿÿÿÿÿþá@á²…ŠRŽA{ÀáRß9àákáRÀ1àáR€>1@áÀáC8`á‰@ᨅŠREçˆáBóÀáØáRóÀpáBã€áá B|á‰@á«…qÿÿÿÿÿþá‰@CARD­yË“ “‘Question #242G-1-1.3 What is the unlabeled block (?) in this diagram? A key click filterAn antenna tunerA power supplyA receiver#293on openCard global group,rightone put 24 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard àBMAPyVl#à  = @ …= € Šá`}ì²= €"làá`Œ8-Àá`Fà T]€8áAቨ …p  °…~ {ÞàAeàn BAen BˆAUŠ/1ŒÀ‰n BˆAMn BAM~ CÞàyEà ±…Œ€ ‰€ ®…Š-x -< …< (   B ¾ð'D 36xá`" ›áðb‰D À‹3 (á°ŠB €0Vr |ä@`Fømð@‹B ˆFóXmà Šð"€@\yð€ € Løð \p¡ä@ ²…Œ€ ‰á¯…qÿÿÿÿÿþá@á·…Š3"ô@á#pá3 Àá3c€á#`á á#pá‰@ᶅqÿÿÿÿÿþá@CARD9JË“ “‡Question #2942G-3.2 What is the unlabeled (?) block in this diagram? An antenna tunerA modem A transceiverA TR switch#294on openCard global group,rightone put 24 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €BMAPJVD¯³ò(â"ÿÁÿÿÿÿÿÿ€â@'€§…âb@8^9"€âb@$QE"€âb@"QE"€âb@"^E"€‹á Áÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ€á€HŠâD|ç‰á€@'€©…ŠâÁ?ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ‰á€á«…Œ ' ‰ '@£…Šáh2ûÙd á*ÙÀá?‚ðf 0p?>x(€á/Ög Œ†¨?<xp?|PGÂ? 0f¢#ÑDˆ 9>á 9(ˆáB<"áNœâ q° Á–…,Àc T‹áb"(€(¨ ŠX<\9àF° pXž|à%à'œá GóàG<Š^ž À ‹? GðÀŠ/ XáB!È€^†|àá ^"\9àá £…Œ ' ‰á€á«…Šâ"ÿÁÿÿÿÿÿÿÀ‰á€'@«…ŠâT8Š âDŒá€&Á3Ïÿýà`‹á€XQR Šâ&@@ââ$ø‰â'@§…â"ÿÁÿÿÿÿÿÿÀ@R.`1sI DB©p$˜$+ CARD ñ\‹Ë“ “dQuestion #242G-1-1.5 In the block diagram, which symbol represents an antenna?34 12#295on openCard global group,rightone put 24 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  BMAP\‹V*Á˜éÜ῵â3€€€â#@…âA ‚âA ‚âA „âA„âAˆâAˆâAâ#â# …â#À‫…Œ@€À‹@ €ª…Šáø ,Àè ,à0 áP á`x € À€‹á @x€Š,àp á àá©…Œ@€ @CARD¯ °ûË“ “Question #242G-1-2.1 What is the unlabeled block (?) in this diagram? A key click filterA mixer A pi networkAn antenna switch#296on openCard global group,rightone put 24 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard @BMAP°ûVO¬¾ïâÁÿÿÿÿÿÿÿü⧅ŠâSÂñÈxâDà{à8â0â5x0‹á ÁÿÿÿÿÿÿüáI0p0ŠâDàç8‰á©…ŠâÁÿÿÿÿÿÿÿø‰áá«…Œ@@@€ ‰€@€€@¥…Š?ä€á NðÀá /°á NàÀá ?óâ€á N€á CNEàGðÀá 4ð8áD@ Iyá@#ÁáI<à€C€lðá:€‹%lPBÿÿ€7ÿÿC?ÿÿþB<Ê€CA8Àá *EŠ40GyâáÏ*€CNG<ðsç)<àá  IyäP@N<ðfá N< Fá /`á N<0sçá NyáÏá £…Œ@@@€ ‰áá«…ŠâÁÿÿÿÿÿÿÿþ‰á€«…ŠâSÄPPQâDàˆ€á ÁÿÿÿÿÿÿÿB0 ›‰âÁ€RRDâÁ€PPDâÁ€$PPDâÁ€ÃPD‧…âÁÿÿÿÿÿÿÿþb–ν€@CARDtUÍË“ “ŸQuestion #242G-1-2.2 What is the unlabeled (?) block in this diagram?A linear amplifierA microphone A TR switchA variable frequency oscillator#297on openCard global group,rightone put 24 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard àBMAPUÍV{™êˆá.€€áá-@á…á- ‚áá Á‚}ì² áÁ„ ² áÁ„• ª( áÁˆ•ʪ( áÁˆÓ ¦| áÁS ¦D áÁQè¢D á- á…á-Àáá€á¢…áxÞ÷Yx€ááx„Y@€ááx„PU@€ááxœäPUp€ááx„PS@€ááx„S@€ááx÷Qx€áá€á…áÁÿÿÿÿÿÿÿøᤅáÁËïe€áÁȈe€áÁ¨ˆUQ@áÁ¨ŽUQ@áÁ>˜ˆM3àáÁ"˜ˆM2 áÁ"ˆE ᤅábú,½àáb",¡áb"*¡áb"*¹àáb")¡@áb")¡ áb!ȽᤅáÁÿÿÿÿÿÿÿøá@á©…áÁÿÿÿÿÿÿÿüᤅá2^á2PQá2 ‘á2Šžá#Eá2Eá2…ᤅáÁ狇<áÁJH áÁJ( áÁçŠ)¸áÁ ( áÁŠH áÁäK‡<ᤅáÁÿÿÿÿÿÿÿüá á«…Œ@@@8  ‰@€€ @¨…Š6Eè€áhžsÊ/x& à>ÁðFNA/¾÷€&€gÎùÀ<6 €6Áx" ¶sÀ&0Ç3ÿÿ2ã6Cÿÿü#€2ÿÿÁÿÀ̃f<‹Gxã*"cÀ&€g@`ŠHQQ"b€h€À‹&àGa±Ÿcá`NñÁÇ&I7(à#q@oŠˆHŠÁ‰NA"ô@á «…Œ@@@  z}Ž‘Š’“„aUq„~~jl‰œ©‘xs~‰‚qu}w`CARD³¹´&Ë“ “´Question #242G-1-2.3 What is the unlabeled (?) block in this diagram?A key click filterA terminal-node controller An antenna switchAn impedance-matching network#298on openCard global group,rightone put 24 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard àBMAP´&V*œ…å áá¿¢â6â6 …â6@âÁËïe€@âÁȈe€€âÁ¨ˆUQ@€âÁ¨ŽUQ@âÁ>˜ˆM3àâÁ"˜ˆM2 ’âÁ"ˆE ’âT…â8â«…Œ €7 ‹@€@ ŠâgÞ÷YxâgÎs€8â*À â7Œ`0‹á39àáŠá3|ðáÀá#¬áSsŽ8á3xðáa÷Qxá3<ø á á3@`á á3|0á 6‰È¼:8Q`6àáð&Ø á€6p žá06H €P‹6¨'Yx¸sÀ 3?ÿàŠ6àY<ùÀ@3?ÿð6‰Â"+@áR<€á áR(€á á#á áR ùÀá áRD¸sÀá ¤…Œ € p€CARDWö­Ë“ “ÒQuestion #242G-1-2.4 In the block diagram, if component 1 is a transceiver and component 2 is an SWR meter, what is component 3?A microphoneAn impedance-matching device A power supplyA receiver#299on openCard global group,rightone put 24 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  BMAP­V*Á˜éÜ῵â3€€€â#@…âA ‚âA ‚âA „âA„âAˆâAˆâAâ#â# …â#À‫…Œ@€À‹@ €ª…Šáø ,Àè ,à0 áP á`x € À€‹á @x€Š,àp á àá©…Œ@€ €CARD±Ê²Ë“ “×Question #242G-1-2.5 In the block diagram, if component 2 is an SWR meter and component 3 is an impedance-matching device, what is component 1?An antenna switchA transceiver A power supplyAn antenna#300on openCard global group,rightone put 24 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  BMAP²V*Á˜éÜ῵â3€€€â#@…âA ‚âA ‚âA „âA„âAˆâAˆâAâ#â# …â#À‫…Œ@€À‹@ €ª…Šáø ,Àè ,à0 áP á`x € À€‹á @x€Š,àp á àá©…Œ@€  CARDý»Ë“ “õQuestion #252G-2.1 In an Amateur Radio station designed for Morse radiotelegraph operation, what station accessory will you need to go with your transmitter? A terminal-node controllerA telegraph keyAn SWR meterAn antenna switch#301on openCard global group,rightone put 25 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARDQT‰Ë“ “¶Question #252G-2.2 What is the unlabeled block (?) in this block diagram of a Morse telegraphy station?A telegraph keyA DTMF keypad A sidetone oscillatorA microphone#302on openCard global group,rightone put 25 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  BMAPT‰Vq¥!úàá@áá9 @€á…á)AáŠál2ûÙd á)#ÙÀ ál 0p á) #€ ál Œ†¨ áI p áM ‰á)Pá…áàáá@á°…áz@÷½À‚ËÀ áj@„! ‚Ê áj@„!‚ª áz@ç9‚«€ áj@„!‚š áj@„! ‚š áz@‡½Àò‹À á@ᨅáÁÿÿÿÿÿÿøᯅáRr ÀáRŠ áRR áRqSÀáR¢€áRˆ¢@áRp¢ ᤅáÁ^ûÞŠáHŽÙÏ.@‰áÁP"áÁ\#žáÁP"áÁP"áÁ^#Ñᦅá@†©…áÁÿÿÿÿÿÿøá áá á@†®…ŠÁÿÿÿÿÿÿüâŒ9 F€à€€"à«…Šâ*@†á)xáá)<á…á<áá(áááá áá)Dá…Áx#' —ß{ÀmÏ9å¼Á<‘Û9àmç|àž=q€›4ÿþvÿÿÿÀ&@‹Hâ>…â> …â>@…â Á2ûÙd ˆ€â Á2"d ˆ€ây*"TPIây*#•TPIây¦"Lø*ây¦"Lˆ*ây¢#ÑDˆâ¸…Œ ‹ £…Šã@{Þàã@9Îpã"ã 1Œ†ã"ã@Îpã@CÞअã@Aeàã"àã0ã"À‹cã^E÷¼âŠr÷ȳžâ 3 €âJ8àTâGyEàTâ  â r÷À|†+€ÁïdãžQ{À cãP8G¢+ÀÁg€÷Î9à áM0@ "@Á ©‹á$@ Á• Šá Á@À ‹c‘9÷ €áÁŽ÷Ž8  ŠSÀ}³‘ Áˆ‘DãžDz D[â SŽxâ SÀ<â 3@âSÀ|€â c„8G €â ±…Œ immediate, g CARDpË“ “öQuestion #252G-5.1 In a packet-radio station, what device connects between the radio transceiver and the computer terminal? A terminal-node controller.A terminal refresh unit.A tactical network control system.An RS-232 interface.#308on openCard global group,rightone put 25 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARD¾˜¿IË“ “×Question #252G-5.2 What is the unlabeled block (?) in this diagram of a packet-radio station? A terminal refresh unitA tactical network control system A terminal-node controllerAn RS-232 interface#309on openCard global group,rightone put 25 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard BMAP¿IV¦½õÀâ6â6…â6 …â6@…âÁ2ûÙd ˆ€Šâ#ÙÀ‰âq*"TPIâq*#•TPIâq¦"Lø*âq¦"Lˆ*âq¢#ÑDˆâ¸…Œ* 8@: ‹* 8@£…ŠâH{ÞàâH9Îpâ*â(1Œ†â*âHÎpâHCÞअâHAeàâ*àâ0â*À‹uÇ ¼‹ïxáŠuï‘g<â& â@8à‹f <á,AMŠW(â âuï€ø  ÁûÁ8ç”^ðuÇ  pDÁÙà}ó€xáIŒ .ÀÂÿ€àxÌxÿð‹á y¥FDÀ(ŠáyÀ@€0‹V"sïAár£‚=ノ(V¢ˆˆcáÁ"DSEŠG¶6âVðâV€xâ6€âF€øâVpAâ±…Œ* 8@if imÀCARDË“ “Question #3102G-5.3 Where does a terminal-node controller connect in an amateur packet-radio station? Between the antenna and the radio.Between the computer and the monitor.Between the computer or terminal and the radio.Between the keyboard and the computer.#310on openCard global group,rightone put 25 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard ÀCARDµòË“ “!Question #262H-1-1.1 What keying method is used to transmit A1A radiotelegraph messages? Frequency-shift keying of a radio-frequency signalOn/off keying of a radio-frequency signalAudio-frequency-shift keying of an oscillator toneOn/off keying of an audio-frequency signal#311on openCard global group,rightone put 26 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARD»Ë“ “¤Question #3122H-1-1.2 What emission designator describes the on/off keying of a radio-frequency signal to produce Morse code messages? F1BF2BA1AJ3E#312on openCard global group,rightone put 26 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard @CARDS­Ë“ “›Question #262H-1-2.1 What emission designator describes the use of frequency-shift keying to transmit radioteletype messages? F1BF2BA1AJ3E#313on openCard global group,rightone put 26 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard àCARD$PË“ “$Question #3142H-1-2.2 What keying method is used to transmit F1B radioteletype messages? Frequency shift keying of a radio-frequency signal.On-off keying of the radio-frequency signalAudio-frequency-shift keying of an oscillator toneOn/off keying of an audio-frequency signal#314on openCard global group,rightone put 26 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARD'íË“ “€Question #262H-1-3.1 What emission designator describes frequency-modulated voice transmissions? F3EF2B A1AJ3E#315on openCard global group,rightone put 26 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard @CARD%6Ë“ ““Question #262H-1-4.1 What emission designator describes single-sideband suppressed-carrier (SSB) voice transmissions? F3EF2BA1AJ3E#316on openCard global group,rightone put 26 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard àCARD+Ë“ “CQuestion #262H-2.1 What does the term "key click" mean? The mechanical noise caused by closing a straight key too hard.The clicking noise from an excessively square CW keyed waveformThe sound produced in a receiver from a CW signal faster than 20 WPMThe sound of a CW signal being copied on an AM receiver.#317on openCard global group,rightone put 26 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDÝË“ “øQuestion #262H-2.2 How can "key clicks" be eliminated? By reducing your keying speed to less than 20 WPMBy increasing power to the maximum allowable level.By using a power supply with better regulation.By using a key-click filter.#318on openCard global group,rightone put 26 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard àCARDŸË“ “2Question #262H-3.1 What does the term "chirp" mean? A distortion in the receiver audio circuits.A high-pitched audio tone transmitted with a CW signal.A slight shift in oscillator frequency each time a CW transmitter is keyed.A slow change in transmitter frequency as the circuit warms up.#319on openCard global group,rightone put 26 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard àCARD'Ë“ “6Question #262H-3.2 What can be done to a telegraph transmitter power supply to avoid chirp? Resonate the power supply filters.Regulate the power supply output voltages.Use a buffer amplifier between the transmitter output and the feed line.Hold the power-supply output current to a fixed value#320on openCard global group,rightone put 26 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard ÀCARD Ë“ “Question #262H-4.1 What is a common cause of superimposed hum? Using a nonresonant random-wire antenna.Sympathetic vibrations from a nearby transmitter.Improper neutralization of the transmitter output stage.A defective filter capacitor in the power supply.#321on openCard global group,rightone put 26 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard ÀCARDÀË“ “ Question #262H-4.2 What type of problem can a bad power-supply filter capacitor cause in a transmitter or receiver? Sympathetic vibrations in nearby receiversA superimposed hum or buzzing soundExtreme changes in antenna resonanceImbalance in the mixers#322on openCard global group,rightone put 26 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDÁGË“ “yQuestion #272H-5.1 What is the 4th harmonic of a 7160-kHz signal? 28,640 kHz35,800 kHz28,160 kHz1790 kHz#323on openCard global group,rightone put 27 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARDÂTË“ “ÆQuestion #272H-5.2 You receive an FCC Notice of Violation stating that your station was heard on 21,375 kHz. At the time listed on the notice, you were operating on 7125 kHz. What is a possible cause of this violation? Your transmitter has a defective power-supply filter capacitorYour CW keying speed was excessively fast Your transmitter was radiating excess harmonic signalsYour transmitter has a defective power-supply filter choke#324on openCard global group,rightone put 27 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard CARDÂË“ “ZQuestion #3252H-6.1 What may happen to body tissues that are exposed to large amounts of UHF or microwave RF energy? The tissue may be damaged because of the heat producedThe tissue may suddenly be frozenThe tissue may be immediately destroyed because of the Maxwell EffectThe tissue may become less resistant to cosmic radiation#325on openCard global group,rightone put 27 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARD*ùË“ “oQuestion #272H-6.2 What precaution should you take before working near a high-gain UHF or microwave antenna (such as a parabolic, dish antenna)? Be certain the antenna is FCC type approved.Be certain the antenna and transmitter are properly grounded.Be certain the transmitter cannot be operated.Be certain the antenna safety interlocks are in place.#326on openCard global group,rightone put 27 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard CARDÄ"Ë“ “DQuestion #272H-6.3 You are installing a VHF or UHF mobile radio in your vehicle. What is the best location to mount the antenna on the vehicle to minimize any danger from RF exposure to the driver or passengers? In the middle of the roofAlong the top of the windshieldOn either front fenderOn the trunk lid#327on openCard global group,rightone put 27 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard ÀCARDƼË“ “Question #272H-7.1 You discover that your tube-type transmitter power amplifier is radiating spurious emissions. What is the most likely cause of this problem? Excessively fast keying speedUndermodulationImproper neutralizationTank-circuit current dip at resonance#328on openCard global group,rightone put 27 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDÅkË“ “îQuestion #272H-7.2 Your transmitter radiates signals outside the amateur band where you are transmitting. What term describes this radiation? Off-frequency emissionsTransmitter chirpIncidental radiationSpurious emissions#329on openCard global group,rightone put 27 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDÇ<Ë“ “}Question #272H-7.3 What problem can occur if you operate your transmitter without the cover and other shielding in place? Your transmitter can radiate spurious emissionsYour transmitter may radiate a "chirpy" signalThe final amplifier efficency of your transmitter may decrease You may cause splatter interference to other stations operating on nearby frequencies#330on openCard global group,rightone put 27 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARD.zË“ “ÄQuestion #272H-7.4 What type of interference will you cause if you operate your SSB transmitter with the microphone gain adjusted too high? You may cause digital interference to computer equipment in your neighborhood.You may cause splatter interference to other stations on nearby frequencies.You may cause processor interference to the microprocessor in your rig.You may cause atmospheric interference in the air around your antenna.#331on openCard global group,rightone put 27 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARD/—Ë“ “ªQuestion #272H-7.5 What may happen if you adjust the microphone gain or deviation control on your FM transmitter too high? You may cause digital interference to computer equipment in your neighborhood.You may cause interference to other stations on nearby frequencies.You may cause atmospheric interference in the air around your antenna.You may cause processor interference to the microprocessor in your rig.#332on openCard global group,rightone put 27 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARD0bË“ “ÓQuestion #272H-7.6 If you are using an excessive amount of speech processing with your SSB transmitter, what type of interference are you likely to cause? You may cause digital interference to computer equipment in your neighborhood.You may cause splatter interference to other stations on nearby frequencies.You may cause atmospheric interference in the air around your antenna.You may cause processor interference to the microprocessor in your rig.#333on openCard global group,rightone put 27 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard @CARD3Ú@Ë“ “’Question #282I-1.1 What is the approximate length (in feet) of a half-wave dipole antenna for 3725-kHz? 126 ft.81 ft.63 ft.40 ft.#334on openCard global group,rightone put 28 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard @CARD4’@Ì“ “‘Question #282I-1.2 What is the approximate length (in feet) of a half-wave dipole antenna for 7125-kHz? 84 ft.42 ft.33 ft.66 ft.#335on openCard global group,rightone put 28 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard @CARD5%@Ì“ “’Question #282I-1.3 What is the approximate length (in feet) of a half-wave dipole antenna for 21,125-kHz? 44 ft.28 ft22 ft.14 ft.#336on openCard global group,rightone put 28 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard @CARD6Q@Ì“ ““Question #282I-1.4 What is the approximate length (in feet) of a half-wave dipole antenna for 28,150-kHz? 22 ft.11 ft.17 ft.34 ft.#337on openCard global group,rightone put 28 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARD7@Ì“ “óQuestion #282I-1.5 How is the approximate length (in feet) of a half-wave dipole antenna calculated? By substituting the desired operating frequency for "f" in the formula: 150 / f (MHz)234 / f (MHz)300 / f (MHz)468 / f (MHz)#338on openCard global group,rightone put 28 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARD8õ@Ì“ “©Question #282I-2.1 What is the approximate length (in feet) of a quarter-wave vertical antenna adjusted to resonate at 3725-kHz? 20 ft.32 ft40 ft.63 ft.#339on openCard global group,rightone put 28 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARD9p@Ì“ “ªQuestion #282I-2.2 What is the approximate length (in feet) of a quarter-wave vertical antenna adjusted to resonate at 7125-kHz? 11 ft.16 ft.21 ft.33 ft.#340on openCard global group,rightone put 28 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARD:T@Ì“ “©Question #282I-2.3 What is the approximate length in feet of a quarter-wave vertical antenna adjusted to resonate at 21,125-kHz? 7 ft.11 ft.14 ft.22 ft.#341on openCard global group,rightone put 28 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARD;¬@Ì“ “«Question #3422I-2.4 What is the approximate length (in feet) of a quarter-wave vertical antenna adjusted to resonate at 28,150-kHz? 5 ft.8 ft.11 ft.16 ft.#342on openCard global group,rightone put 28 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARD<‘@Ì“ “«Question #3432I-2.5 When a vertical antenna is lengthened, what happens to its resonant frequency? It decreases.It increases.It stays the same.It doubles.#343on openCard global group,rightone put 28 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard ÀCARD?,@Ì“ “Question #292I-3.1 Why do many amateurs use a 5/8-wavelength vertical antenna rather than a 1/4-wavelength vertical antenna for their VHF or UHF mobile stations? A 5/8-wavelength antenna can handle more power than a 1/4-wavelength antenna.A 5/8-wavelength antenna has more gain than a 1/4-wavelength antenna.A 5/8-wavelength antenna exhibits less corona loss than a 1/4-wavelength antenna.A 5/8-wavelength antenna looks more like a CB antenna, so it does not attract as much anttention as a 1/4-wavelength antenna.#344on openCard global group,rightone put 29 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDIçÌ“ “þQuestion #282I-3.2 What type of radiation pattern is produced by a 5/8-wavelength vertical antenna? A pattern with most of the transmitted signal concentrated in two opposite directions.A pattern with the transmitted signal spread out equally in all directions.A pattern with more of the transmitted signal concentrated in one direction than in other directionsA pattern with the transmitted signal going equally in all compass directions, with most of the radiation going close to the horizon#345on openCard global group,rightone put 28 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDÍÌ“ “Question #292I-4.1.1 What type of antenna produces a radiation pattern with more of the transmitted signal concentrated in a particular direction than in other directions? A dipole antennaA vertical antennaAn isotropic antennaA beam antenna#346on openCard global group,rightone put 29 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARDJpÌ“ “½Question #292I-4-1.2 What type of radiation pattern is produced by a Yagi antenna? A pattern with the transmitted signal spread out equally in all directions.A pattern with more of the transmitted signal concentrated in one direction than in other directionsA pattern with most of the transmitted signal concentrated in two opposite directions.A pattern with most of the transmitted signal concentrated at high radiation angles.#347on openCard global group,rightone put 29 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARDNMÌ“ “±Question #292I-4-1.3 Approximately how long (in wavelengths) is the driven element of a Yagi antenna? 1/4 wavelength.1/3 wavelength.1/2 wavelength.1 wavelength.#348on openCard global group,rightone put 29 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard @CARDK½‰Ì“ “—Question #292I-4-2.1 On the Yagi antenna shown below, what is the name of section B? A. DirectorB. Reflector C. Boom D. Driven element#349on openCard global group,rightone put 29 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard ÀBMAP‰VVJƒ]OêaàŒâ¥… â7€*â%€R @â% „CÀ@â C¼†â CˆÐâ 4`â C@èâ `â ¥… â% „ â% ÄâJ@âÀâ;@¨… â †ª…âR â R @â $@â®…$â †«…$â †«…$â †­…$â †«…$â 0â â ª…$â (â  â ®…$â †¥…¿¿»â â…â1…â1 …â1…âA?€âA €…â…á …á! á1 €…á! †£…á! á … …2€ 2@ " ¤…2@ 2€  ·…p.à.p. Œâ‹á¦…Œâ‰ €p@ŠáAÀ`ááAÿü0ááAP?ÿበ„ n  "€ "À "à "ð ð x | < … …Šá€ááá…‰ Šá%Àᢅá% á…áበð ø x… | <…á á …á á $€…á $€á $À…á $Àá $àá $à…á&à…âádÀá"Šáu Xp áuŸ<<ø á$€ á4‡p á%x á áuŸ<Àø ‰â¤…$+F@Á„@(©…@CARDLW!+Ì“ “—Question #292I-4-2.2 On the Yagi antenna shown below, what is the name of section C? A. DirectorB. Reflector C. Boom D. Driven element#350on openCard global group,rightone put 29 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `BMAP!+VVðƒ]Oê\¨|⦅ â`  âC0@ª…ã%âC0@ â @ â Hâ%@@%â3@@Àâ %€â ¦… â †«… â †¯…$â 0â â ª…$â †«…<â (â â ¬…$â †«…$â †«…$â †¯…$â †¥…ââ1€…â1@…â1 …â1ðâ1…â¢…á …á! á1 €…á! †£…á! á … …2€ 2@ " ¤…2@ 2€  ·…p.à.p. Œâ ‹á/¦…Œâ ‰ €p@ŠáAÀ`áAÿü0áAP?ÿ‰ „ n  "€ "À "à "ð ð x | < … …Šá€ á…‰ Šá%À ¢…á% …á ‰ ð ø x… | <…á á …á á $€…á $€á $À…á $Àá $àá $à…á&à…âádÀá"Šáu XpáuŸ<<øá$€ á4‡pá%xááuŸ<Àø‰â¤…@CARDM€"JÌ“ “—Question #292I-4-2.3 On the Yagi antenna shown below, what is the name of section A? A. DirectorB. Reflector C. Boom D. Driven element#351on openCard global group,rightone put 29 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard BMAP"JV\ëˆ]Oꇔ„‚; \€€ „9‚9 |€R A£"&(à€\‡ €4A "P&(à€/€Àá  â â ("€á â %àâ %@â â%& â C +E@"# TH PB €,E~@ ‚"# ÁÏ PB €b0 4€€DH@ €$RA‡$)¨b0 4€€/R@€$rxâ$ØâPâ$⥅+ á"á e`À$€%H@Á`F€B$Š`Á$`À$„UH@Áä@Á€RŠ`$+F@Á„@(©…"+!$  b@:`SH€%!Tà$` ÁD@`B€SH b @€báOà `DB #€( b @€RáH ­…&€2€á`#42àv.€€€`H`#àÁSàøV.€SÐH`Á€çàBx&V°áp€€4`¢…áxá á)á á)á á)xá ).0. †>0-‚ á*’á(=òp*€D„8v †`~CHhh`3dàÁ„€„€f F`BúCHR` b "p„€ €ÀG„%€# 4 B á9á†N(€,‚ )$ , á`ÀááI DááI`ááIxpØáá:0ÊHáá[~€ á&0 AFxÀãx À1&XR0€b A`rHX §' Á˜À1V@€"€TpÁ"H|@Wà€D2'€Á" 0`D"á,áá,€ááÌáááá`áá3á…á-€H â& ( á-À'æ8 ád ä&€70T@& Á`@Ô0   S€40T@cHàs@@a”(Á€   Á €C€2€cHF€ÂB p€˜Â<'#S@²€%@tB T€Â á@€‚€â?@+0á/@€âèá. -Œáâ.€Àáá„"0(á¤Á€@¸RÁ”`¬0V B€Â@èþBA”@€„öU€0€& 9%€c`=þÁP€C€"fÁŠ€@!$)€g € @âá0ááÀá…ááá`ᢅá. 0á7!0$ À$€ f !ÁP€À3H$#€B €Á €â$3xBÁ€G €B‚€á1 ¢…á'á †©…„0" 4„x 4`5€ð2 4XðD@ ‡Á H!€Á` Pâ …â1…â1 …â1…âA?€âA €…â …á  …á!  á1 € …á!  †£…á!  á  …  …2€  2@  "  ¤…2@  2€    ·…p .à .p .  Œâ ‹á ¢…Šâ†¢…Œâ ‰ € p@ ŠáAÀ`ááAÿü0ááAP?ÿበ„  n    "€  "À  "à  "ð  ð  x  |  <   …  …Šá€ááá…‰  Šá%Àᢅá% á…áበð  ø  x … |  < …á  á  …á  á $€ …á $€ á $À …á $À á $à á $à …á&à …â ádÀ á" Šáu XpááuŸ<<øáá$€ áá4‡páá%xááááuŸ<Àøá‰â ¤…€~ÿî -[?Ú½§ôÕ·ÀÃT€~§.­C€CARDRÌ“ “âQuestion #292I-4-2.4 What are the names of the elements in a 3-element Yagi antenna? Reflector, driven element and directorBoom, mast and reflectorReflector, base and radiatorDriven element, trap and feed line#352on openCard global group,rightone put 29 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARD#/Ì“ “ÝQuestion #3532I-5.1 How should the antenna on a hand-held transceiver be positioned while you are transmitting? Away from your head and away from others standing nearbyPointed in the general direction of the repeater or other station you are transmitting toPointed in a general direction 90 degrees away from the repeater or other station you are transmitting to With the top of the antenna angled down slightly to take the most advantage of ground reflections#353on openCard global group,rightone put 29 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARD&ÝÌ“ “»Question #3542I-5.2 Why should you always locate your antennas so that no one can come in contact with them while you are transmitting? Such contact can detune the antenna, causing television interferenceTo prevent RF burns and excessive exposure to RF energyThe antenna is more likely to radiate harmonics when it is touchedSuch contact may reflect the transmitted signal back to the transmitter, damaging the final amplifier#354on openCard global group,rightone put 29 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard CARD(}Ì“ “WQuestion #292I-5.3 You are going to purchase a new antenna for your VHF or UHF hand-held radio. Which type of antenna is the best choice to produce a radiation pattern that will be least hazardous to your face and eyes? A 1/8-wavelength whipA 7/8-wavelength whipA 1/2-wavelength whipA short, helically wound, flexible antenna#355on openCard global group,rightone put 29 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard @CARD@ÐÌ“ “¢Question #302I-6.1 What is a "coaxial cable"? Two parallel conductors encased along the edges of a flat plastic ribbon.Two parallel conductors held at a fixed distance from each other by insulating rods.Two conductors twisted around each other in a double spiral.A center conductor encased in insulating material which is covered by a conducting sleeve or shield, and encased in a weatherproof jacket.#356on openCard global group,rightone put 30 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDAæÌ“ “Question #302I-6.2 What kind of antenna feed line is constructed of a center conductor encased in insulation which is then covered by an outer conducting shield and weatherproof jacket? Twin lead.Coaxial cable.Open-wire feed line.Waveguide.#357on openCard global group,rightone put 30 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDBI@Ì“ “÷Question #3582I-6.3 What are some advantages in using coaxial cable as an antenna feed line? It is easy to make at home, and it has a characteristic impedance in the range of most common amateur antennas.It is weatherproof, and it has a characteristic impedance in the range of most common amateur antennas.It can be operated at a higher SWR than twin, and it is weatherproof.It is unaffected by nearby metallic objects, and has a characteristic impedance that is higher than twin lead.#358on openCard global group,rightone put 30 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARDC&@Ì“ “ÖQuestion #302I-6.4 What commonly-available antenna feed line can be buried directly in the ground for some distance without adverse effects? Twin lead.Coaxial cable.Parallel conductor.Twisted pair.#359on openCard global group,rightone put 30 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARDD,@Ì“ “ÏQuestion #302I-6.5 When an antenna feed line must be located near grounded metal objects, which commonly-available feed line should be used? Twisted pair.Twin lead.Coaxial cable.Ladder-line.#360on openCard global group,rightone put 30 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARDE<@Ì“ “°Question #302I-7.1 What is parallel conductor feed line? Two conductors twisted around each other in a double spiral.Two parallel conductors held a uniform distance apart by insulating material.A conductor encased in insulating material which is then covered by a conducting shield and a weatherproof jacket.A metallic pipe whose diameter is equal to or slightly greater than wavelength of the signal being carried.#361on openCard global group,rightone put 30 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARD=W@Ì“ “¤Question #302I-7.2 How can "TV-type twin lead" be used as a feed line? By carefully running the feed line parallel to a metal post to ensure self resonance.TV-type twin lead cannot be used in an Amateur Radio station.By installing an impedance-matching network between the transmitter and feed line.By using a high-power amplifier and installing a power attenuator between the transmitter and feed line.#362on openCard global group,rightone put 30 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDF­@Ì“ “íQuestion #302I-7.3 What are some advantages in using a parallel conductor feed line? It has a lower characteristic impedance than coaxial cable, and will operate at a higher SWR than coaxial cable.It will operate at a higher SWR than coaxial cable, and it is unaffected by nearby metal objects.It has a lower characteristic impedance than coaxial cable, and less loss than coaxial cable.It will operate at higher SWR than coaxial cable and it has less loss than coaxial cable.#363on openCard global group,rightone put 30 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard CARDGI@Ì“ “YQuestion #302I-7.4 What are some disadvantages in using a parallel conductor feed line? It is affected by nearby metallic objects, and it has a characteristic impedance that is too high for direct connection to most amateur transmitters.It is more difficult to make at home than coaxial cable and it cannot be operated at a high SWR.It is affected by nearby metallic objects, and it cannot handle the power output of a typical amateur transmitter.It has a characteristic impedance that is too high for direct connection to most amateur transmitters, and it will operate at a high SWR.#364on openCard global group,rightone put 30 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARDH[@Ì“ “ùQuestion #302I-7.5 What kind of antenna feed line is constructed of two conductors maintained a uniform distance apart by insulated spreaders? Coaxial cable.Ladder-line open-conductor line.Twin lead in a plastic ribbon.Twisted pair.#365on openCard global group,rightone put 30 into group put "B" into rightone pass openCard end openCard àCARD)ìÌ“ “;Question #302I-8.1 A certain antenna has a feed-point impedance of 35 ohms. You want to use a 50-ohm-impedance coaxial cable to feed this antenna. What type of device will you need to connect between the antenna and the feed line? A balunAn SWR bridgeAn impedance-matching deviceA low-pass filter#366on openCard global group,rightone put 30 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARD+«Ì“ “ÿQuestion #3672I-8.2 A certain antenna has an impedance of 1000 ohms on one band. What must you use to connect this antenna system to the 50-ohm output on your transmitter? A balunAn SWR bridgeAn impedance-matching deviceA low-pass filter#367on openCard global group,rightone put 30 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard €CARD,SÌ“ “ÊQuestion #302I-9.1 The word "balun" is a contraction for what phrase? Balanced-antenna-lobe use networkBroadband-amplifier linearly unregulatedBalanced unmodulatorBalanced to unbalanced#368on openCard global group,rightone put 30 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard àCARD-QÌ“ “-Question #3692I-9.2 Where would you install a balun if you wanted to feed your dipole antenna with 450-ohm parallel-conductor feed line? At the transmitter end of the feed lineAt the antenna feed pointIn only one conductor of the feed lineFrom one conductor of the feed line to ground#369on openCard global group,rightone put 30 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard  CARD1kÌ“ “pQuestion #3702I-9.3 Where might you install a balun if you wanted to feed your diplole antenna with a 50-ohm coaxial cable? You might install a balun at the antenna feedpointYou might install a balun at the transmitter outputYou might install a balun 1/2 wavelength from the transmitterYou might install baluns in the middle of each side of the dipole#370on openCard global group,rightone put 30 into group put "A" into rightone pass openCard end openCard ÀCARD2 Ì“ “Question #302I-10-1.1 A four-element Yagi antenna is mounted with its elements parallel to the ground. A signal produced by this antenna will have what type of polarization? Broadside polarizationCircular polarizationHorizontal polarizationVertical polarization#371on openCard global group,rightone put 30 into group put "C" into rightone pass openCard end openCard ÀCARD>8Ì“ “Question #302I-11-1.1 A four-element Yagi antenna is mounted with its elements perpendicular to the ground. A signal produced by this antenna will have what type of polarization? Broadside polarizationCircular polarizationHorizontal polarizationVertical polarization#372on openCard global group,rightone put 30 into group put "D" into rightone pass openCard end openCard `CARD*ûÊ@Ì“)t 3$(ÀCê  yeson mouseUp global questlist -- question # option if field qmissed of card report is empty then answer "Perfect score! 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