IC10.2 The IF-232 Interface from Kenwood is a 1488 and a 1489 chip in a box. These are an RS-232 Quad Line Driver and Receiver and are available at Radio Shack for $1.29 Each. Here is an easy project that will save you a lot over the $69+ Kenwood price of the IF-232 Interface. The 1488 needs a + and - supply. Unregulated + and - 12vdc is just fine. Get the +5 vdc for the 1489 by putting a 7805 regulator on the +12 vdc supply. 100 ma. is about the max you'll draw, so the smallest transformer you can find will still be plenty large. Don't forget to series up two of each gate to cancel the inversion that the 1480's produce. ACC-1 Connector Use a 6 Pin DIN Connector. (Radio Shack $1.29) Pin Signal Comments ________________________ 1 Gnd Signal Ground 2 TXD Serial Data from Radio to Computer 3 RXD Serial Data from Computer to Radio 4 CTS Computer Ready; (Radio Input) 5 RTS Radio Ready; (Radio Output) 6 No Connection Pins 4 and 5 may be left Unconnected. ***** Command Description for Kenwood Computer Interface ***** ______________________________________________________________ Auto Information ________________ AIn; The Radio Will Send the Status Info Automatically Whenever the Operator Manually Varies any Function on the Radio which is Covered in the IF; Command Where n = 0 for Auto Info OFF 1 for Auto Info On The Status Information Will be Sent in the Form : As defined in the IF; Command Display Memory ______________ DMnnnn; This is a Factory Diagnostic Function and is of no practical use to the operator The Contents of the MPU Memory will be Read Where nnnn = MPU Address (0000 Thru FFFF (HEX)) The Contents of the MPU Memory Will be Sent in the Form : DMnnnn-aabbccddeeffgghhiijjkk; Where nnnn = MPU Address (0000 Thru FFFF (HEX)) aa~~kk = Hex Number Pairs Of Next 16 Locations CONT IN IC10.3