MS400.2 Software Changes: ----------------- No changes are needed to the mailbox programs themselves but the I/O routine must be setup. You will need MBBIOS V2.0 or higher plus the accompanying customizer (MBBCONFG). 1. Execute MBBCONFG as per the instructions included with MBBIOS. 2. Put any multipurpose ports in the first slot (and second if needed). 3. Select the next slot. On the port description panel, specify the type as "B" ("Specified exactly"), put in the desired COM number and hit enter. 4. On the exact specification panel, put the actual port type as "5" ("Shared ASYNC Port"). Specify the address as shown below and the interrupt number as "2" COM1 -- 3F8 COM5 -- 2F0 COM2 -- 2F8 COM6 -- 2E8 COM3 -- 3E8 COM7 -- 2E0 COM4 -- 3E0 COM8 -- 260 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each BBS only port. 6. Exit the program using the "F3" key. CONTINUED IN FILE MS400.5