TM701A.5 TM701 Hints... I've added the mods contained in TM701A.1, 2, and 3. They all work just like the mod file says. However, the descriptions in the file are not all that obvious to follow inside the radio. Here are some hints to make the implementation of the mods easier for you. "GREEN WIRE" Mod: This one is very easy. When you remove the top cover, ûïôýyou will see it looped and sticking out on the front left side. Just clip it. "X-BAND REPEATER JUMPER": although the "figure 2" included with the mod file is pretty clear, some additional definition may help you. The "@" in the figure from which the jumper originates is actually a chip resistor. The jumper goes from the left side of that chip resistor to the third pad on the line of pads (which is a connector on the other side of the board). "EXTENDED VHF/UHF" The mod describes adding diodes D207 and D209. There is no silk screen showing these diodes on the board (at least in my copy of the radio). Their position is less than obvious. Looking at the foil side of the PCB, you will find the positions directly behind S209 and S207. You will notice two small pads directly behind S205 which do not have holes drilled in them. The diode goes between these two pads (D209). It takes a very fine soldering iron tip. Also, it is much easier if you pre-form the leads of the diode. The position of D207 is even less obvious. Again, its location is directly behind the switch (S209). The top pad is actually TWO square pads which have a trace between them. The bottom pad is directly below the pair and in the is NOT directly below either of the two. The diode goes between the pair of pads and the bottom pad. All are square. Again pre-form the leads and use a small iron. Also make sure that the diode leads don't short to any other pads. Good luck. Take your time and be patient. -KC9C @ KG6XX