TS930 ========= MODS for KENWOOD TS-930 Transcievers ========== The following is a list of favorite changes that can be made to the Kenwood 930. These changes are quite simple and do not require the addition of any switches. NOTE: In the operator's manual supplied with the 930, there is an error on one of the drawings. On the upper left corner of the DIGITAL UNIT schematic locate connector 8. The lead designations are as follows (note that some of the designations do not appear on this sheet so you can add them to the drawing): Pin Desig. 1 100 2 MU 3 SCN 4 M2 5 MIN 6 FSK 7 B2 8 FT On the main drawing, called SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM, the pin numbers shown on connector 8 are reversed from the way they are numbered on the DIGITAL UNIT schematic. In the following changes, I am assuming that the numbering on the DIGITAL UNIT sheet is correct. In any event, it will be obvious which end is which since the end pin is vacant. CONTINUED IN FILE TS930.2