Index of Columbia M64 (aka Shoebox) Area
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- files.lst 31 bytes
- this file lst
- files.lzh 935 bytes
- above compressed
- cnkos27a.lbr 45184 bytes
- os 2.7
- cnkycode.arc 14336 bytes
- CW code from shoebox
- cnkydat1.dzt 1920 bytes
- for SET program
- cnkydat2.lbr 31872 bytes
- for SET program
- cnkyfmv6.lbr 8064 bytes
- new Format
- cnkyinst.lbr 6528 bytes
- instructions on new stuff
- cnkymore.lbr 3840 bytes
- more info
- cnkynew1.lbr 24832 bytes
- new version of set etc
- cnkyos21.zz0 42752 bytes
- os 2.1
- cnkyos25.lbr 35456 bytes
- shoebox a news revision bios for the 'shoebox'
- cnkyos26.lbr 41088 bytes
- not tested version of shoebox bios
- cnkyos28.lbr 55552 bytes
- version 2.8 of the rochester custom bios
- cnkyos29.lbr 47104 bytes
- version 2.9 of the shoebox bios fixes the dsdd
- cnkyos30.ark 60544 bytes
- version 3.0 of the rochester
- cnkyrom.arc 5120 bytes
- boot rom
- def-set.lbr 31232 bytes
- new foreign format utilities for the shoebox
- fmt.lbr 77056 bytes
- supports multiple disk formats for the columbia
- fmtcmd.ark 2560 bytes
- commands/option for the shoebox fmt foreign disk
- format07.ark 11520 bytes
- format source
- format28.ark 11008 bytes
- format28 is the disk initialization program
- mdmcc64.obj 6400 bytes
- modem vers. 2.21 for the shoebox
- mft.obj 2176 bytes
- single drive copy util for cp/m
- mxh-cc18.azm 16384 bytes
- current mex overlay for the shoebox (columbia
- newshoe.inf 1664 bytes
- update on shoebox development. in the shoebox:
- os29.lbr 52352 bytes
- ready-to-run distribution of the rochester bios
- os30.ark 45696 bytes
- BIOS 3.0
- sbx256k.txt 5120 bytes
- text file describing how to put 256k
- shoeapu.ark 35200 bytes
- a tester for the 9511 apu in the shoebox
- shoedsk.lbr 2816 bytes
- the latest rev format and copy programs
- shoefile.inf 2560 bytes
- a list of shoebox files on this system
- sysgen.lbr 3712 bytes
- shoebox sysgen program
- zmo-cc10.mzc 6016 bytes
- zmp14.lbr overlay for the shoebox
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